Dynamics 365 Access Xrm from HTML Page

In a Dynamics 365 web resource such as an HTML page, you may need to access Xrm properties, such as Xrm.Page.context.getClientUrl(). Adding this to the page may throw an error (or actually display no error) if the HTML page cannot access the resource. To get this to work, add window.parent.opener like below: window.parent.opener.Xrm.Page.context.getClientUrl()

Dynamics 365 SOAP Logger

The SOAP Logger is a tool that is located in the CRM SDK at: SDK\SampleCode\CS\Client\SOAPLogger You will see the files: Open the solution in Visual Studio. Update any references. Open the SOAPLogger.cs file. You will see: Find the run procedure: This procedure will run a command and then write to an output.txt file the SOAP request and response. Add some code, for example all accounts that contain “a”: var query = new QueryExpression(“account”); query.Criteria.AddCondition(“name”, ConditionOperator.Equal, “Microsoft”); slos.RetrieveMultiple(query); Build … Continue reading Dynamics 365 SOAP Logger

Dynamics 365 RetrieveMultiple Plugin

In Dynamics 365, we have the ability to register a plugin when a retrieve multiple request is executed on an entity. Here we will go through creating a a Retrieve Multiple plugin. First, create a new class library in Visual Studio: Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk In this example, we will run the RetrieveMultiple when Accounts are displayed. We can invoke this by selecting accounts in a view or running an Advanced Find query. … Continue reading Dynamics 365 RetrieveMultiple Plugin

Dynamics CRM SQL Reports

Visual Studio SSRS reports can be used to connect to the Dynamics CRM on premise SQL database. We will go through an example of how to do this. First, create a new Visual Studio project. Add a new report using the report wizard. Set the type to Microsoft SQL Server and the connection string to the CRM organization database: Select query builder: Enter a query, e.g. SELECT * FROM filteredaccount We … Continue reading Dynamics CRM SQL Reports

Creating Dynamics CRM Reports with SSRS and Fetch XML

Dynamics CRM comes with pre-packaged reports. You can also create your own reports using SSRS. Here we will go through examples of doing this. Open Visual Studio. Ensure SQL Server Data Tools are installed and the Report Authoring Extensions are installed. Create a new report project: This will create a blank project: Right click Reports and add a new report: This will open the Report Wizard. Click Next: Enter the CRM connection … Continue reading Creating Dynamics CRM Reports with SSRS and Fetch XML

Installing Dynamics CRM Report Authoring Extensions

To create reports in SSRS for Dynamics CRM, you need to install the report authoring extension. To do this, download from the link below (Visual Studio 2012, CRM 2015): https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=45013 Run the EXE to extract the files: The wizard will open: Press Install: Click Next: Now, when you start Visual Studio you will see the option appear:  

A Guide to Extending Dynamics 365 and Power Apps

Below is a summary of the areas you can extend of Dynamics 365 and Power Apps. Area Purpose Notes Processes General term for allowing an organization to create processes specific to their business. These are created through the Dynamics 365 user interface, and include: Actions, Business Process Flows, Dialogs and Workflows. More details on each type below. Access under Settings->Processes Workflows A type of process created through the Dynamics 365 … Continue reading A Guide to Extending Dynamics 365 and Power Apps

Dynamics CRM Custom Code Validation Tool 2015

To download the tool, go to: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=45535 Run the exe. Click Continue: You will see: Now import the tool: Open the solution: You will then see any issues:  

Run Workflow at Set Time Period in Dynamics 365

In Dynamics 365, workflows can be run based on waiting for a time period to elapse given certain conditions. Here we will create a workflow that will send a reminder email for tasks to their owners when the task is due. Go to Processes and create a new workflow on the Task entity: Set the scope to Organization and the start to Created: Next, insert a new Wait condition step: … Continue reading Run Workflow at Set Time Period in Dynamics 365

Dynamics CRM No Sandbox Hosts are Currently Available

When executing a plugin you may receive the error: “The plug-in execution failed because no Sandbox Hosts are currently available. Please check that you have a Sandbox server configured and that it is running.” If you get this, ensure under Services the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Sandbox Processing Service is running: