Uploading Data to Dynamics CRM Online

Dynamics CRM Online has a way to perform a manual upload data to the system. This is useful if you have data in an excel spreadsheet, for example, and you need that data in CRM. This method to upload data is used ad-hoc and is different from more complex real-time integrations. Here I have a CSV file with accounts I want to upload to CRM. Note the upload format needs to be CSV, … Continue reading Uploading Data to Dynamics CRM Online

Update Record in Dynamics 365 using jQuery

To update a record using jQuery, use the following code. You will need to pass the GUID of the record you are updating as well as the type of entity. This example updates an account record name: function updateAccount() { var context = Xrm.Page.context; var serverUrl = context.getClientUrl(); var guid = Xrm.Page.data.entity.getId(); var endpoint = “/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc”; var account = new Object(); var collection = “/AccountSet”; account.Name = “New Updated Name”; var … Continue reading Update Record in Dynamics 365 using jQuery

Adding Object to EF Model Does Not Display Object

When using the Entity Framework, such as in an ASP.NET MVC application, you may find the model is empty after choosing database objects: Adding new objects using “Add existing entities and relationships to this diagram by dragging them from the Model Browser” does not add the objects. One cause for this is that a primary key has not been defined in the table or view you are trying to use … Continue reading Adding Object to EF Model Does Not Display Object

Dynamics 365 Attach a Note to a Record with C#

To attach a note to to an entity using C#, use the code below. The note entity is “annotation”. For example, you could attach a note to a case (incident): This would create a note below on the case:  

Dynamics 365 addOnSave JavaScript method

The addOnSave method is used to add a function to the OnSave event. Let’s go through an example of how this is used. First we will define a new JavaScript function on the Account form. Open the Account form in Customizations and click to add a new Form Library: Select New: We will call this TestFunctions. Click Next: Create a new function. We will create a function to display the … Continue reading Dynamics 365 addOnSave JavaScript method

Dynamics 365 Sales Territories

Sales territories can be configured in Dynamics 365. To do this, go to Settings->Business Management: Select Sales Territories: Selecting a Sales Territory, we can see the name and members: Let’s create a new territory: And add members: Territories can be assigned to price lists: And Accounts (drag field onto the form):  

Dynamics 365 Fiscal Year Settings

In Dynamics 365, you can configure fiscal years. To do this, go to Business Management and select Fiscal Year Settings: From here, you can set up the start date, the template and display settings:    

Azure Active Directory User Joining

When a user is added to AAD, the user will receive an email: Click on the email and provide new login information below: Check email and enter verification code: When complete:  

Power BI Featured Dashboard

When you log into Power BI, you are presented with a dashboard before you select any of the other dashboards. This is your featured dashboard. If you have not set a featured dashboard before, it will default to another dashboard. To set a featured dashboard, do the following. First, select the dashboard you would like to see when you log in, and click on the ellipse on the top right: Next, select “Set … Continue reading Power BI Featured Dashboard

Return JSON from WebAPI

In WebAPI, you may want to return JSON instead of the out of the box view, which looks like below: The out of the box code for the controller looks like as follows: To display JSON, change View to Json: In running this, you may get the error: “This request has been blocked because sensitive information could be disclosed to third party web sites when this is used in a … Continue reading Return JSON from WebAPI