How to Install PowerApps Components from PCF.Gallery to Your Org

The site contains many PowerApps custom components written by people in the PowerApps community. Some of the controls are really cool, and in this post we will look at how to use the site and install controls in your PowerApps / Dynamics 365 environment to make your orgs even more usable. First, head over to You will see links to various controls: You can click on a link to … Continue reading How to Install PowerApps Components from PCF.Gallery to Your Org

Walkthrough of Creating the Microsoft PowerApps PCF Sample Component

In our previous post, we installed the PowerApps CLI and created a PowerApps custom component. In this post, we will go through the Microsoft sample here, where we add code to a PCF project, build the project, create a solution and deploy it to our PowerApps / Dynamics 365 environment to use on a field. First, let’s create a directory LinearComponents to add our control code. We will use the … Continue reading Walkthrough of Creating the Microsoft PowerApps PCF Sample Component

Issue with Running MSBuild on PowerApps Component Framework (PCF) Controls

When creating custom PowerApps Component Framework custom controls, and running MSBuild, you may encounter an error something like below: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\MSBuild\Current\Bin\amd64\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersio n.targets(1183,5): error MSB3644: The reference assemblies for framework “.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2” were not found. To resolve this, install the SDK or Targeting Pack for this framework version or retarget your application to a versio n of the framework for which you have the SDK or Targeting Pack installed. … Continue reading Issue with Running MSBuild on PowerApps Component Framework (PCF) Controls

Creating a Custom Component using the PowerApps Component Framework (PCF)

The PowerApps Component Framework (PCF) is a Microsoft framework for building custom components in PowerApps. Let’s go through what this actually means and how to build these components. In PowerApps and Dynamics 365, fields have types, such as Single Line of Text, Whole Number, Currency etc. For example, if we open our Account entity, we can see there are many fields, and these fields have different types: We can open … Continue reading Creating a Custom Component using the PowerApps Component Framework (PCF)

How to Implement JavaScript Confirmation Dialogs in Power Apps and Dynamics 365

In Power Apps and Dynamics 365, you may need to display a dialog to a user in order to decide which piece of code to run next. We can do this using the command Xrm.Navigation.openConfirmDialog. Let’s look at how to do this from a model-driven Power App. Go to the app and open the Console in your browser’s developer tools. The function takes the following parameters: Xrm.Navigation.openConfirmDialog(confirmStrings,confirmOptions).then(successCallback,errorCallback); Let’s start with … Continue reading How to Implement JavaScript Confirmation Dialogs in Power Apps and Dynamics 365

Embedding and Viewing an AI Builder Model in PowerApps and Dynamics 365

In our last post, we created a Binary Classification model using the AI Builder in Microsoft PowerApps. In this post, we will continue the example and embed the results in a PowerApp / Dynamics 365 so users can view these results. First, select the AI Model and in the bottom, click Publish: This will publish the model: Once complete, the model will show as “Live”: Now, let’s add this to … Continue reading Embedding and Viewing an AI Builder Model in PowerApps and Dynamics 365

Using the AI Builder in the Microsoft Power Platform for Binary Classification

In this post, we will look at how to use the AI Builder for PowerApps and Dynamics 365 to predict an outcome in the Microsoft Power Platform. Note at the time of writing this is Preview functionality. The AI Builder is an Artificial Intelligence feature of the Microsoft Power Platform that is used to perform AI functionality. In this post, we will look at a Binary Classification example. First, go … Continue reading Using the AI Builder in the Microsoft Power Platform for Binary Classification

Create Database vs Don’t Create Database in Model-Driven Power Apps

When creating model-driven Power Apps, you will be presented with an option if you would like to create a database or not. Let’s create a new app and see how this option works. First, sign in to the Power Apps admin portal at and create a new environment with a database: Enter an environment name. We will call it CreateDatabaseOrg and select Yes to Create a database for this environment: … Continue reading Create Database vs Don’t Create Database in Model-Driven Power Apps

Deploy Sample Apps or Not When Creating New Power Apps

In Power Apps, when we create a model-driven app, get the option to add Sample Apps. Let’s take a quick look at what this means. Let’s create a model-driven app with a database: We get the option to Deploy sample apps and data: Let’s click Yes: Our new environment is created: Let’s click on the URL to take us to the new environment: Clicking on the link, we see Sample … Continue reading Deploy Sample Apps or Not When Creating New Power Apps

Using the AutoNumber Field Type in PowerApps and Dynamics 365

In PowerApps, Dynamics 365 and the Common Data Service, we have the option to use a field type called AutoNumber, which automatically updates the data in the field to a set format and increments a number in the field. Let’s look at how to do this. Log into PowerApps at and select your PowerApps environment: Let’s add an autonumber field to our Account entity. Go to Data->Entities and select the … Continue reading Using the AutoNumber Field Type in PowerApps and Dynamics 365