Understanding Agent Capacity in Omnichannel

In this post, we will look at how agent capacity works in Omnichannel for Customer Service. There are 2 areas where capacity is configured, the user capacity, and the workstream capacity. Both sets of capacity work together to determine how many chats or engagements an agent can handle at one time. The user agent capacity is configured in the Omnichannel Administration app. Select the user, then the Omnichannel tab. Here … Continue reading Understanding Agent Capacity in Omnichannel

Showing Prechat Survey Variables In Omnichannel Notifications

In this post, we will look at how to display prechat survey variables in Omnichannel agent notifications. First, let’s create a new chat, and go to the Surveys tab and turn on pre-conversation survey, then add a question: We will ask the question, what is your age? And what is your height: Now, let’s go to the unauthenticated chat notification template assigned to the workstream for this chat, and add … Continue reading Showing Prechat Survey Variables In Omnichannel Notifications

Desktop Notifications Not Working in Omnichannel

In this post, we will look at the desktop notification functionality and why it may not be working in your environment. Desktop notifications are a great feature for agents. When an Omnichannel agent session is activated from, say, a chat request from a customer, the agent sees a notification in the top right of the browser: Now, let’s say the agent doesn’t have the tab in focus. The agent won’t … Continue reading Desktop Notifications Not Working in Omnichannel

Configuring Power Virtual Agent Bot Handoff to Omnichannel Live Agent

In this post, we will look at how to create a Power Virtual Agent (PVA), connect it to Omnichannel for Dynamics 365, and configure it so a customer can be connected to a live agent after talking to a bot through chat. First, let’s go to https://web.powerva.microsoft.com/, where we are prompted to enter the name of our bot, as well as the language and D365 environment: Click on Create. We see: … Continue reading Configuring Power Virtual Agent Bot Handoff to Omnichannel Live Agent

Migrating Omnichannel Configuration Data Between Orgs

Once you have configured Omnichannel in your development org, you will at some point want to migrate that configuration through your environments and up to your production org. In this post, we will look at how to migrate configuration data from one environment to another. First, let’s take a look at the types of Omnichannel configuration data. Head to the Omnichannel Admin app: We see there are various entities that … Continue reading Migrating Omnichannel Configuration Data Between Orgs

Configuring Nicknames for Agents in Omnichannel Chat

There are scenarios where organizations do not want their agents real names to be displayed to customers in a virtual Omnichannel chat. In this post, we will look at how to configure this in Dynamics 365 Omnichannel. First, let’s look at the default setting for Omnichannel. In my chat setting, I have the Full Name being displayed: When a customer starts a chat, we see here as I am the … Continue reading Configuring Nicknames for Agents in Omnichannel Chat

Omnichannel Chat on a Power Apps Portal

In this post, we will look at how to add an Omnichannel chat widget to a Power Apps Portal. First, go ahead and create a new Power Apps portal in the Power Apps maker: Next, give the portal a name and click Create: Once it’s done, let’s head back to the Omnichannel side. In the Omnichannel admin app, we will create a new Authentication Settings record: Copy the URL of your … Continue reading Omnichannel Chat on a Power Apps Portal

Showing Agents Unread Messages in Omnichannel

In this post, we will look at how we can configure in Omnichannel for Customer Service the ability to show unread messages for Omnichannel Agents. This is very useful if the agent is chatting with multiple customers at the same time, and is tabbing between chats. The number of unread messages will display on the tab, so the agent knows to tab into it. To enable this, go to the … Continue reading Showing Agents Unread Messages in Omnichannel

Supervisor Monitoring of Negative Conversations in Omnichannel

In this post, we will look at how supervisors can monitor conversations in Omnichannel and stay on top of negative customer sentiment. First, let’s look at the configuration. To allow supervisors to monitor conversations, go to Ongoing Conversations in the Omnichannel Admin app, and set the Supervisor Monitor. Note the other options as well to Assign and Transfer: Now, our agent Alan is having a negative conversation with a customer … Continue reading Supervisor Monitoring of Negative Conversations in Omnichannel

Get Omnichannel Conversation Id and Custom Context through JavaScript

There may be scenarios where you need the custom context from a chat accessible in JavaScript when an Omnichannel conversation loads. In this post, we will look at how to get the Omnichannel conversation id in JavaScript, and how to get custom context variables as well. First, let’s set up a couple of questions in our pre-chat survey so we can send through custom context. Go to the chat and … Continue reading Get Omnichannel Conversation Id and Custom Context through JavaScript