Dynamics 365 Excel Templates

Excel templates in Dynamics 365 are a way to easy create custom Excel reports you can run when needed. To create an Excel template, go to Settings->Templates: You will see the page. Select Document Templates: Here you will see the available templates view: With the option to change the view: Select New. You will have the option to select Excel Template and Word Template. You can also access this screen … Continue reading Dynamics 365 Excel Templates

Up-sell and Cross-sell Products in Dynamics 365

When selling products, you may want your salespeople to also upsell or cross-sell additional products. We will go through setting this up in Dynamics 365. To do this, open a product and go to Product Relationships. For example, below I have a Sony TV: The Product Relationships window opens. Note the options: Up-sell Cross-sell Accessory Substitute First, we will select Up-sell and select a product: Note the direction: Uni-directional. This … Continue reading Up-sell and Cross-sell Products in Dynamics 365

Product Families in Dynamics 365

Product families is a way in Dynamics 365 to assign common properties to products. To use product families, go to Sales->Products. Select Add Family: Enter the required information. Note you can specify a parent and also a date range. Here we will add a family for Televisions: You can also create a family and define a parent family, e.g. Televisions->Plasma Televisions: Now, create a property. We will add “Screen Size” … Continue reading Product Families in Dynamics 365

Dynamics 365 Word Templates

To set up Word Templates, go to select a view and select Excel Templates->Create Excel Template: Click Select Entity: Select any relationships and click Download Template: Open the downloaded Word document. From the developer tab, select XML Mapping Pane: Right click on a field and select Insert->Plain Text: The field will now appear in the document: Back in the view, select to Upload a Word Document:   Now, select an … Continue reading Dynamics 365 Word Templates

Create Opportunity, Quote, Order and Invoice in Dynamics 365

To create an opportunity, quote, order and invoice for a customer in Dynamics 365, go through the following steps. First, navigate to Opportunities: Click New to create a new opportunity: Enter required fields and save the record: Note the different areas of an opportunity: Stakeholders Sales Team Competitors Product Line Items Quotes Select Product Line Items and enter a new price list: Click + to select a new product or … Continue reading Create Opportunity, Quote, Order and Invoice in Dynamics 365

Create a Product in Dynamics 365

To create a product in Dynamics 365, select Products from the menu: Enter a new item: Note the option to enter the unit group: Once you select the unit group, you can select the default unit: If you select a Unit Group, you will see they have multiple Units: And a unit has a quantity and base unit: Once a product is saved, the status is Draft. Click Publish: Once … Continue reading Create a Product in Dynamics 365

Unit Groups in Dynamics 365

To set up a unit group in Dynamics 365, go to Settings->Product Catalog and select Unit Groups: Here you will see active unit groups: You will be prompted to enter a Name and Primary Unit: Enter a group for Furniture: Select Add New Unit: Enter a new unit, e.g. Table: And another: The unit group can now be assigned to a product in Dynamics 365.

Connecting to Dynamics CRM through Postman

You can connect to Dynamics CRM/Dynamics 365 through the Postman application. To do so, first create a new application in Azure. Next, open Postman. I use the Chrome version, accessed in Chrome by: chrome://apps In Chrome, select OAuth 2.0 as the authentication type: Click Get New Access Token: This opens the window below: Enter the information as follows: Auth URL: https://login.windows.net/common/oauth2/authorize?resource=https://yourcrminstance.crm.dynamics.com Auth Token URL: https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/token Client Id: Your Id From Azure as described in … Continue reading Connecting to Dynamics CRM through Postman

Entity Metadata using WebAPI

To get Entity Metadata using JavaScript, we can use EntityDefinitions. For example, to get the entity definition for the Contact entity: We use the URL: https://yourcrm.crm.dynamics.com/api/data/v8.2/EntityDefinitions(LogicalName=’contact’): To select a particular field, for example, color: https://yourcrm.crm.dynamics.com/api/data/v8.2/EntityDefinitions(LogicalName=’contact’)?$select=EntityColor:  

Connecting Dynamics 365 and Power BI with Microsoft Flow

In my previous post, I discussed my prototype to show streaming live sales orders that are being entered into Dynamics 365 appear in a Power BI dashboard. Here, I will go into details on how to set this up. First step is to create a streaming data set in Power BI. Log into powerbi.com. Select Streaming Datasets from the bottom left of the screen. Select from the top right Steaming datasets: Here, … Continue reading Connecting Dynamics 365 and Power BI with Microsoft Flow