
Welcome to my C# ebook and C# blog.

  1. Concepts
    1. Hello World Console App
    2. Serializing an Object
    3. Abstract Classes
    4. Anonymous Functions
    5. Delegates
    6. Generics
    7. Collections
    8. Interfaces
    9. Dictionaries
    10. Inheritance
    11. Classes
  2. Threading
    1. Cross Thread Operation Not Valid
    2. Thread()
    3. Background Worker
  3. Query
    1. LINQ and Lambda
  4. Asynchronous
    1. Await and Async
    2. Task Parallel Library
    3. HttpClient GetAsync, PostAsync, SendAsync
  5. Logging
    1. Write to Windows Event Viewer
  6. OData
    1. OData Client Code Generator
    2. OData Connected Service
  7. WCF
    1. Create a WCF Windows Service
  8. ORM
    1. Dapper
  9. Entity Framework
    1. Introduction
  10. Input/Output
    1. Write to Text File
    2. Console App Exit Codes
    3. Bat Files
  11. Windows
    1. Using the Windows API
    2. ILSpy
  12. Visual Studio
    1. Snippets