C# – Classes

In this example and series of examples, I will go through some object oriented and C# concepts. We will use an example of building a transport system, using Cars as an example. First, create a C# project for a class library called “Transportation”. Also, let’s create a new console application called Carl.TestTransportation. We will use that to test our class working.   Let’s star with characteristics of a car. Cars have: Make. E.g. Ferrari … Continue reading C# – Classes

Hello World Console App C#

Creating a console application in C# is really easy. Let’s go through a Hello World example. First, create a new project in Visual Studio. Give the project a name: The project contains a Program.cs file, which contains a static Main method: This method will be called first when the application is run – it is the entry point of the application. It is static and declared as a class or … Continue reading Hello World Console App C#

How to Build SSRS Reports in Dynamics AX

In this post I will show how to build SSRS reports in Dynamics AX 2012 R3. Let’s modify the Purchase Order Report. Firstly, open Visual Studio and make sure the Application Explorer is open (View->Application Explorer): Expand SSRS Reports and find the Purchase Order Report: Double click the report to open it and create a new SSRS project. Rename the project from the generic name it provides to something more … Continue reading How to Build SSRS Reports in Dynamics AX

Installing a Node Web Server using http-server

Node has several web servers available for installation, including http-server: To install, type: npm install http-server -g To start the server, type: http-server This will start the web server at the addresses: Opening a web page at this address will display the contents of the current directory: If we create a folder called webserver with one file, index.html, and browse to this directory, we see the index file is displayed: … Continue reading Installing a Node Web Server using http-server

Installing the eConnect 10 SDK

To install the eConnect 10 SDK, download the eConnect SDK from the Microsoft website. Then, extract the ZIP file. You will see 2 files: Run the eConnectSdk.exe. Select the components you want to install: Enter your service credentials: You will see this success message: Once installed, you will see files located at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\eConnect 10  

Finding eConnect 9.0 Version Info

To find the version of an eConnect 9.0 installation, in Windows search for eConnect Release Information: This will open the window: Use the elipse to open the database connection: Click OK and you will see the version information:  

Installing eConnect for Dynamics GP 9.0

eConnect is located in disk 2 of the Dynamics GP installation. Run Setup.exe and select Install eConnect: Click Next: Click Next: Click Next: Click Next: Select Custom, so we can see the options, and click Next: Note the options available. Click Next: Select the lookup for the connection string: Select your server and the DYNAMICS database: Click Next: Click Install: Enter your login information: Click Finish: eConnect will now be installed.

Installing Dynamics GP 9.0

Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 was released in 2005. Here we will go through an installation of the software. Run Setup.exe from the 1st disk: You may get a message to install required components. Click Install: Select “Install Microsoft Dynamics GP”: Click Next: Select your country and click Next: Select Accept and Next: Select Server and Next: Select Features. Here, the path is defaulting to the x86 path. You may run … Continue reading Installing Dynamics GP 9.0

SQL 2005 Install

To install SQL 2005, go through the following steps. Select Install->Server Components: You may get this message here. This install is on a Windows 2008 R2 server. Select Run Program. We will install service packs later. Select Next: Select Next: Select Next: Select Next: Confirm your registration keys and select Next: Select the components you want to install: Select Advanced and ensure Client Components is checked for Management Tools: Select … Continue reading SQL 2005 Install

Scrum Framework Roles

In the Scrum framework, there are different distinct roles that people play when working on a project. The main roles are: Product Owner (PO). This person is the business representative, and they are fully commited to the team. Their roles include: Create and manage the backlog Defining and prioritizes user stories and tasks Reviews all work Works closely with the business and the team Publishes the product backlog for anyone … Continue reading Scrum Framework Roles