Accessing Interactive Service Hub for Dynamics 365

…directly to the Interactive Service Hub page by adding engagementhub.aspx to your Dynamics 365 URL, for example This will open a page that loads ISH: You may see a…

Set Dynamics 365 Colors and Logo Using Themes

…in various websites or applications. I will use these at to demonstrate: Let’s make our nav bar fill color to be green: Add the hex color to the theme….


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Advanced Find URL in Dynamics 365

The Advanced Find in Dynamics 365 can be accessed directly through a URL. That URL is: The advanced find page will then load:  …

WCF Service Tcp Binding Example

…Select netTcpBinding: Add the address and contract: Save the config. In the editor, add an <identity> tag with your username, e.g. Run the code. We can now access the…

Azure Functions Intro – Http Trigger

An Azure Function is an “event driven, compute-on-demand experience…with capabilities to implement code triggered by events occurring in Azure or third party service as well as on-premises systems.” A nice…

USD Replacement Keys

…name to [[]] it will display the account’s name: If we replace this with: USD encodes the space to +: You can read more about Replacement Keys here:  …