Deploying USD Customizations to Client Workstations

…You could do this manually, copying the code to each workstation, or you could take advantage of the automated customization deployment functionality within USD. First, go to and download…

Unified Service Desk – LaunchURL Action

…webpage such as This opens in a web browser: The URL is entered into the data field. This may be useful if you would like to open a web…

Getting Local Option Set Metadata with WebAPI and JavaScript

…name. We will also expand the OptionSet:’contact’)/Attributes/Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.PicklistAttributeMetadata?$select=LogicalName&$filter=LogicalName eq ‘new_contactpriority’&$expand=OptionSet We can see the labels of the option set: We can access this through JavaScript with the following code:  …

Installing Visual Studio Web Essentials

…to and select Download. We will install on Visual Studio 2015: Select the version to install:   This will download a VSIX file. Open it: Click to install: You…

View Workflow Process History in Dynamics 365

…for successful real-time workflows. In the workflow, check “Keep logs for workflow jobs that encounter errors”. Errors will then appear in the Process Sessions tab: For more information:  …

JavaScript Object Literals

Object literals are a way to define objects in JavaScript using comma-separated name-value pairs of properties and methods. For example, we can define a Customer object with the syntax, which…

Dynamics 365 – setSubmitMode in JavaScript

…a new account and enter a phone number: Click Save. After saving, the screen will refresh and the field will show as blank, i.e. not saved: For more information:…

Dynamics 365 – Introduction to Customer Service Hub

…then All Apps: Then select Customer Service Hub: Alternatively, from select Customer Service Hub: This will open the Customer Service Hub: The left menu displays: Dashboards Activities: Email, Task,…

Azure Active Directory – Company Branding

In Azure Active Directory, you can configure the text and graphics your users see when they sign in. To do this, log into Azure Portal at and select Company…