Visual Studio Code Introduction

Visual Studio Code is a lightweight tool from Microsoft used for software development. It is fast, cross-platform and supports intellisense and debugging. You can follow Visual Studio Code at:…

Connecting to Dynamics 365 using the Organization Service Proxy

…using System; using System.Linq; using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client; using System.ServiceModel.Description; using Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages; namespace Carl.Crm.OrgServiceProxy { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { try { Uri oUri = new Uri(“”); ClientCredentials clientCredentials…

Installing and Using GitHub Desktop on Windows

…GitHub: Commit to Master Let’s commit these changes by clicking Commit to Master. This is a local operation: Once we do this, we see there are now no local changes:…

Installing Azure CLI on Windows

…PowerShell and type az login: A browser will open, and you will see below: In PowerShell, you will see: From here, you can get started with CLI commands:  …

Namespaces in JavaScript

…+ this.phonenumber; }; } // Create objects var Customer00001 = new MyCo.ERP.Customer(“Bob”, “Smith”, ““, “555-111-2222”); var Customer00002 = new MyCo.CRM.Customer(“James”, “Johnson”, ““, “555-111-3333”); alert(Customer00001.GetCustomer()); alert(Customer00002.GetCustomer()); This will display 2 alerts…

How to Check the Status of Azure Services and Regions

Microsoft publishes the status of its different Azure services and regions online. Let’s look at a couple of places to check. To check the status of Azure, go to:…