Unified Service Desk Blog and eBook

Unified Service Desk Blog

Welcome to my Unified Service Desk eBook and Unified Service Desk blog.

Here you will find many articles, blog posts and how-tos I have written to help you learn, implement and understand USD.

Please reach out if you have any feedback.


  1. Installation
    1. Installing USD
    2. Installing UII
    3. Upgrading USD
    4. Upgrading to USD 3.3
    5. Installing USD 3.3 – Unified Interface
    6. Installing Unified Service Desk 4.0 Client Server
    7. Upgrading USD to 4.1
    8. Uninstalling USD Client
    9. Uninstalling Unified Service Desk Solutions
    10. Package Deployer Unable to Login
    11. Client Folders
    12. Lessons Learned Upgrading to USD 4.1, Unified Client, Chrome Process
  2. Setup
    1. Setting up USD
    2. USD Client
    3. Finding the USD Version
    4. Troubleshooting Issues Logging into Client
    5. Best Practices Analyzer – Install
    6. Best Practices Analyzer – Setup and Using
    7. Best Practices Analyzer – Recommendations
    8. Preventing URLs from Opening Outside USD
    9. Recovering Crashed IE Pages
    10. Migrate from Web Client to Unified Interface with Migration Assistant
    11. TLS 1.2
    12. Single Sign On (SSO)
  3. Concepts
    1. Sessions
      1. Session New
      2. Setting Sesion Name
      3. Creating a New Session from a Toolbar Button
    2. Global Manager
    3. Global Manager Actions and Events
    4. Hosted Controls
    5. Panels and Layout
    6. $Context, $Session, $Global Replacement Parameters
    7. Using USD 3.3 Unified Interface
    8. Unified Interface Page vs CRM Page
    9. USD Entities and Names
  4. Configuration
    1. Submenus
    2. Adding a CRM dashboard or Webpage
    3. Session Lines
    4. Agent Scripts
    5. Window Navigation Rules
    6. Toolbars
    7. Setting Control and Panel Size
    8. Stop User from Closing a Tab
    9. Expanding and Collapsing Panels
    10. CTI Generic Adapter
    11. CTI Screen Pop with IE
    12. CTI with
    13. Change the Default CTI Port
    14. Sub Actions
    15. Entity Search
    16. Entity Search in Windows Navigation Rules to get the Selected Record
    17. Split Layout to Display Multiple Controls
    18. Create and Add Debugger to Menu
    19. Opening Multiple Records
    20. Snippets
    21. Custom Shortcut Keys on Action Calls
    22. Default Navigation Rule to do Nothing for InPlace and Popup
    23. Activity Reminders
    24. Open Webpage from Menu with LaunchURL
    25. Application is Dynamic
    26. Chrome and Edge Support
    27. Hiding Navigation and Command Bar
    28. Max Number of Sessions
    29. Default Zoom Level Per Organization
    30. Default Zoom Level Per User
    31. Event Parameters
    32. Pattern to Open Subgrid Record in New Tab
    33. Tips for getting Windows Navigation Rule Parameters
    34. Setting the Default Unified Interface App
    35. UII Actions and Events
      1. Default
      2. Close
      3. Navigate
      4. LaunchURL
      5. RunXrmCommand
      6. RunScript
      7. Pause
      8. CopyToContext
      9. CloseActivity
      10. SetWindowProperty
      11. SetSize
      12. ShowAbout
      13. DisplayMessage
      14. CopyToClipboard
      15. MoveApplicationToPanel
      16. ExecuteOnExpressionTrue
      17. New_CRM_Page and Open_CRM_Page
      18. Default Option Set and Lookup Fields in New_CRM_Page
      19. CloseActive
      20. CreateEntity, DeleteEntity, UpdateEntity
      21. LookupQueueItem, WorkOn
      22. ExecuteOnDataAvailable
      23. ReadSettings, SaveSettings
      24. IsAppLoaded
      25. FireEvent
      26. RefreshRequested
      27. ShellExecute
      28. InvokeCTI
      29. ClearDataParameter
  5. Development
    1. USD Patterns
    2. USD SDK
    3. Visual Studio – UII and XRM Tooling NuGet
    4. Creating and debugging a Custom Hosted Control
    5. Creating a USD Custom Hosted Control VS 2017 and NuGet
    6. Create and Debug a Custom Hosted Control with VS 2019
    7. Custom Actions in USD
    8. USD Website Integration
    9. Open CRM Record in USD as Popup in Webpage
    10. Visual Studio Templates
    11. Open an Entity from Search
    12. CRM Page Call Actions from Debugger
    13. Integrate with Google Search
    14. Using Create Entity Action Call
    15. Windows Forms Hosted Controls
    16. Replacement Keys
    17. Fire Event in Custom Hosted Controls
    18. Call Event in USD from JavaScript
    19. JavaScript window.IsUSD
    20. Create a UII Application from Scratch
    21. Accessing Context Parameters
    22. Resize USD Panels with WPF Splitter
    23. Toolbar Visible, Replacement Parameters and Keys
    24. Calling JavaScript Functions in Unified Interface Pages
    25. Creating a Custom Layout in USD
  6. User Interface Integration (UII) Development
    1. Embedding a Console App in WPF
    2. Moving a Window with Win32API
  7. Deployment
    1. Deploying customizations across Organizations
    2. Deploying Customizations to USD Client Workstations
  8. Security
    1. User Security
    2. IE Settings to Prevent IE Windows from Opening
  9. Performance
    1. Caching
  10. Omnichannel
    1. Running Omnichannel for Customer Service on USD
  11.  Troubleshooting
    1. Introduction
    2. Logging in USD
    3. Logging Custom Hosted Controls with TraceLogger
    4. Debugger Shortcut Key
    5. Open Current Tab in IE Browser
    6. Error Creating an Instance with CLSID IClassFactory Shutdown Error in USD
    7. Delete USD Cache to Recover from Errors
    8. Find N:N Related Records with Related Records Analyzer
    9. Workaround for COM Class Factory Issue
    10. KPI Control Error When Loading USD
  12. Appendix
    1. Resources
    2. Versions