Power BI Blog

Welcome to my Power BI Blog, where I blog about Power BI and other related Microsoft technologies.

I’m Carl de Souza, and have been using Microsoft technologies in the ERP, CRM, and BI space for several years. I use this blog to help people learn Microsoft Power BI.

I started using Power BI when it was first released, and the Power BI product range has grown and evolved a lot since then. To learn about Microsoft Power BI, I have written a growing Power BI Blog and eBook, which covers installation, configuration, administration, the different types of Power BI, development, dashboards, reports, visualizations, R, Python, sharing, apps and content packs, dataflows, security, and many more features. There are over a hundred posts I have written to get you both learning and solving problems.

Hope you learn something, and of course, feel free to connect with me: