Sharing an Advanced Find View in Dynamics 365

To share an advanced find view that you created with another user in Dynamics 365, go through the following steps. First, create a new Advanced Find view. Click Save As: Provide a view name: Now select Saved Views: Select the view and click Share: Select a user or team and the permissions to share and click Share.: Now when Alan logs in, he will see the saved view:  

OneDrive Integration with Dynamics 365

Dynamics 365 has built in OneDrive for Business integration. This is useful if you are a Dynamics 365 user such as a salesperson who wants to keep their personal documents attached to an opportunity. To enable it, go through the following steps. Go to Settings->Document Management: Select Enable OneDrive for Business Integration: Click OK: Refresh the page and you will see OneDrive for Business Folder Settings: Enter a Dynamics 365 … Continue reading OneDrive Integration with Dynamics 365

USD Default Navigation Rule to Do Nothing for InPlace and Popup

In Unified Service Desk, routing rules define what will happen when a user clicks on a link in a hosted control. USD gives a lot of control over what happens, which makes the application powerful in terms of routing. In order to effectively disable all routing unless specified explicitly, we can add a routing rule to USD and click Windows Navigation Rule: Click New: Provide a name and a high … Continue reading USD Default Navigation Rule to Do Nothing for InPlace and Popup

SQL Server Deadlock Troubleshooting with SQL Profiler

One method to troubleshoot SQL Server Deadlocks is to use the SQL Profiler. In SQL Profiler, in a new trace, select the Events Selection tab and expand Locks: Select the Deadlock graph: Run the code that causes a deadlock. In profiler, you will now see a line for the Deadlock graph. Selecting it will show the graph with the process that succeeded and did not succeed: Hovering over the graph … Continue reading SQL Server Deadlock Troubleshooting with SQL Profiler

SQL Server Deadlock Troubleshooting with TRACEON

There are a few ways to troubleshoot errors from deadlocks in SQL Server. One of these ways is to use tracing. First, turn on tracing using the command (a Database Console Command): DBCC TRACEON (1222, -1) You should see: Now, wait for a deadlock in SQL Server to occur. Once it occurs, you can run the following command to read the error log: exec sp_readerrorlog Scroll to look for the … Continue reading SQL Server Deadlock Troubleshooting with TRACEON

SQL Server Deadlocks

In this post we will take a look at how deadlocks occur in SQL Server. Deadlocks are when two or more tasks are trying to lock the same resource. For example, if you have a stored procedure that locks a table, and another stored procedure is also trying to access that table, you may end up with a permanent deadlock situation. SQL Server has a process that detects if there … Continue reading SQL Server Deadlocks

Closing an Opportunity in Dynamics 365

Here we will go through closing an opportunity in Dynamics 365. First we will create an opportunity. To do this, go to Sales->Opportunities: This will open the opportunities: Select New to create a new opportunity: Enter new products: Notice the options for Close as Won and Close as Lost. Clicking Close as Lost, we see: The status reason has the options: We can also select the actual revenue and competitor. … Continue reading Closing an Opportunity in Dynamics 365

Azure Cloud Shell

Azure Cloud Shell is an interactive shell for Azure, which allows you to manage your Azure resources. This is useful in that you don’t need to install other tools to run commands – you can do it directly from within a browser. The tool currently supports Azure CLI 2.0. To access the cloud shell, log into and select the Cloud Shell icon on the right: The browser will then … Continue reading Azure Cloud Shell

Dynamics 365 Automatic Email Tracking

Emails in Outlook can be automatically tracked in Dynamics 365. To set up email tracking, go to System Settings and select the Email tab: Here you will see options on how emails will be tracked: This includes: Folder level tracking. Once rules are set up, exchange folders will automatically track email messages Correlation. Depending on certain conditions, emails will automatically be tracked. There are 2 ways emails can be correlated: Using a … Continue reading Dynamics 365 Automatic Email Tracking