Azure Service Bus Messaging with Dynamics 365 Plugin

Dynamics 365 is able to post messages to cloud apps listening on the Azure Service Bus. Here we will go through setting this up and posting a message. First, log onto Azure Portal. Select New and search for and select Service Bus: Click Create: Provide the namespace information and click Create: Open the Service Bus and select Queues: Add a Queue: Enter a name and click Create:   Open the … Continue reading Azure Service Bus Messaging with Dynamics 365 Plugin

Install Ribbon Workbench in XrmToolBox

The Ribbon Workbench tool (built by @ScottDurow) can be used within XrmToolBox. First, open XrmToolBox and install Ribbon Workbench: You will see: Opening the app displays the Ribbon Workbench:  

XrmToolBox – Data Transporter

Data Transporter is a 3rd Party plugin for the XrmToolBox that transfers data between Dynamics 365 organizations. To use it, install the plugin: You will see below. Select a source and destination organization. Note the options for Create, Update and Delete: Select the entity to move records across: Click Transfer Data: Records will then be created/updated/deleted in the target system.  

Running a Linq Query with Lambda Expressions in Dynamics 365

Here we will go through an example of running a LINQ query with Dynamics 365. First, create a new console app. Add the following assemblies to connect to Dynamics 365: Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk System.ServiceModel Next, add some code. We will first connect to Dynamics 365 using the Organization Service Proxy. From there, we will call EnableProxyTypes. We can then run our LINQ query, which return the name of all accounts: Running this, … Continue reading Running a Linq Query with Lambda Expressions in Dynamics 365

Call an Event in USD from JavaScript

In Unified Service Desk, we have the ability to call Events from JavaScript. Here we will go through an example. In our USD, when an Incident is selected from a Dashboard, it starts a new session. Let’s say when an incident is opened, and the user enters something in the description field. For example, if the title of the incident is “User cannot log into CRM”, the agent might type … Continue reading Call an Event in USD from JavaScript

New_CRM_Page and Open_CRM_Page in USD

In Unified Service Desk, there are 2 actions that deal with CRM pages – New_CRM_Page and Open_CRM_Page. Here we will go through an example of using each of these. In our example, in USD when we click on a contact record, a session starts. We will add 2 actions to the BrowserDocumentComplete event of the contact. The first action will be New Lead. When a contact record loads, we will … Continue reading New_CRM_Page and Open_CRM_Page in USD

Automatically Route Cases to a Queue

In Dynamics 365, when cases are created, you can configure it to be assigned directly to a specific queue, e.g. to be assigned directly to a specific person, or to be escalated. To do this, you set up Routing Rules. Go to Settings->Service Management: Select Routing Rules Sets: Select New to create a new Routing Rule: We will create a new routing rule to route high priority cases. Enter a … Continue reading Automatically Route Cases to a Queue

Picking and Releasing Cases from Queues

In Dynamics 365, cases are assigned to queues to be processed by support users. Let’s say a user is assigned to a queue, Tier 1 Support. The user can easily see cases assigned to the queue by going to Service->Queues: And filtering the queues: You can see which user is working on which case, if any. By selecting a case from this view, a user has the option to “Pick” … Continue reading Picking and Releasing Cases from Queues

Dynamics 365 Form Notifications in JavaScript

Dynamics 365 has form notifications that can be fired in JavaScript. Below is an example of each type – error, warning and information: function FormNotification() { Xrm.Page.ui.setFormNotification(‘This is an error notification’, ‘ERROR’); Xrm.Page.ui.setFormNotification(‘This is a warning notification’, ‘WARNING’); Xrm.Page.ui.setFormNotification(‘This is an information notification’, ‘INFORMATION’); } Let’s add these to the Save event handler: Click Save. You will see the form notifications: