Power BI – Enter Data and Edit Data

In Power BI Desktop, there is a feature to Enter Data. This is useful if you would like to add some ad-hoc data that does not come from a data source. For example, you could create a simple table with some columns and rows, and then use that as you would with other tables in Power BI. To do this, in a Power BI Desktop project, select Enter Data: This … Continue reading Power BI – Enter Data and Edit Data

Power BI Dates in Column Chart Issue

I recently came across an issue with using dates in Power BI with column charts. Here we will go through the issue and how I resolved it. Perhaps someone out there will have more insight! The first thing I did, was create a new Power BI Desktop project. To minimize the room for error, instead of pulling data from an external data source (the problem actually started this way), I … Continue reading Power BI Dates in Column Chart Issue

Power BI and DAX – USERELATIONSHIP to work with Multiple Dates

In Power BI, there is a DAX function called USERELATIONSHIP. This is particularly useful when you need multiple relationships between tables. Here we will go through an example of how this works. Consider a typical example, where you have an Orders table with different dates such as the Order Date (i.e. the date the order was created) and the Ship Date (i.e. the date the order was shipped). You would … Continue reading Power BI and DAX – USERELATIONSHIP to work with Multiple Dates

Downgrading a Dynamics 365 Version

To downgrade a Dynamics 365 version, first log into https://portal.office.com and go to the Dynamics 365 Admin Center: Select your environment and click Edit. Set the environment to Sandbox mode. Next, click on Reset: Select the target version to reset to: Click Reset: Click Yes to Reset: Go back to the Admin Center home page. You will see the instance is being set up and the state is “preparing instance”: … Continue reading Downgrading a Dynamics 365 Version

Troubleshooting Issues Logging into USD

In Unified Service Desk, you may have issues logging into the USD client and connecting to the server. There are some reasons this may happen that we will look at. Account or Password Issue The first reason may be an account or password issue. Confirm your username and password are correct by logging into Dynamics 365 through a URL (non-USD). User Permissions Confirm you have sufficient permissions to access USD and … Continue reading Troubleshooting Issues Logging into USD

Unified Service Desk – Client Folders

After installing the Unified Service Desk client, there are several folders in the system. AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\USD This directory holds the USD configuration information for the client. The Default_USD.config file looks something like the following: The tokens.dat file looks something like: You may also see files looking like: ID_USDUSRProfile_1234.usdPrf If you run into issues logging in, you may want to rename this directory. It will be recreated on login. AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Microsoft Dynamics® 365 … Continue reading Unified Service Desk – Client Folders

Power BI and Dynamics 365 Data Security

In this post we will discuss how Dynamics 365 and Power BI deals with data security. For example, you may have Dynamics 365 salespeople that are allowed to see their own data, but not other salespeople’s data. We will look at an example of how Power BI deals with this. We have 2 users – Alan and Christa. Both users are assigned the Salesperson role. With this role, they can … Continue reading Power BI and Dynamics 365 Data Security

USD – LookupQueueItem and WorkOn Actions

In Unified Service Desk, there are some actions that assist with queues. The first is LookupQueueItem. Let’s say we have a case that is part of the queue “Support”: As part of USD, we can call an action to get the Id of the queue item. To do this, pass the following parameters to LookupQueueItem: Id=FDA93807-4EF3-E711-80F2-3863BB2E34E8 EntityType=case After running this, the CRM Global Manager#queueitem is created, with the Id of … Continue reading USD – LookupQueueItem and WorkOn Actions

USD – CreateEntity, DeleteEntity, UpdateEntity Actions

In Unified Service Desk, there is an action to create an entity record and delete an entity record. For example, we have an Account hosted control that opens when in a session: Let’s say we want to create a new contact for this account. To do this, we will use the debugger, though we can also call this as an action. Select CreateEntity as the action, and then: LogicalName=contact firstname=David … Continue reading USD – CreateEntity, DeleteEntity, UpdateEntity Actions

USD – CloseActive Action

In Unified Service Desk, CloseActive closes the active hosted control in the tab specified. For example, if we have a tab contact open in the LeftPanelFill, we can call CloseActive to close the active hosted control in the LeftPanelFill: