Text-To-Speech Hello World in Windows

In this post, we will use the Speech Synthesizer in the System.Speech.Synthesis namespace to convert text to speech. Create a new console app in Visual Studio: Add a reference to System.Speech: Click on the Solution->Configuration Manager: Change the platform to your current platform: Add the code:   On running this, your computer will say “Hello World”. To change the voice to another voice, we can set it using SelectVoice: This … Continue reading Text-To-Speech Hello World in Windows

USD – ShellExecute Action

In Unified Service Desk, there is an action called ShellExecute that allows execution of an application. For example, if we open USD and open the debugger, we can see under the CRM Global Manager ShellExecute action: From USD configuration, we can see the description as: “Launches an application by specifying the complete URL or path to the application.   Note: The user must have rights to run the application. The URL or path … Continue reading USD – ShellExecute Action

Uninstalling Unified Service Desk Solutions

To uninstall the Unified Service Desk solutions, do the following. In Dynamics 365, go to Settings->Solutions and delete: DynamicsUnifiedServiceDesk – Dynamics Unified Service Desk UiiForMicrosoftDynamicsCRM2011 – User Interface Integration For Microsoft Dynamics 365 USDUnifiedClientCustomization – Usd Unified Client Customization USDCrmWebClientCustomization – Usd Crm Web Client Customization  

Getting Local Option Set Metadata with WebAPI and JavaScript

In this post, we will use the WebAPI with JavaScript to get the metadata for a local option set. Let’s say we have a local option set called Customer Priority, with 3 options: A B C The option set is part of the Contact entity. We can see the local option set on the form below: And its name is new_contactpriority: Using the WebAPI, we can get these values through … Continue reading Getting Local Option Set Metadata with WebAPI and JavaScript

Using Latebound Constants Generator

The Latebound Constants Generator is a tool by Jonas Rapp to generate constant classes for late bound Dynamics 365 development. To use it, open the XrmToolBox and install “Latebound Constants Generator”: This will install: Select the link, you will see below. Click Load entities: This will load the entities and selected entity attributes: Note the ability to filter entities by Solution, whether to show system or customized entities, managed or unmanaged, … Continue reading Using Latebound Constants Generator

Installing Sample Data in Dynamics 365

To install sample data in Dynamics 365, go to Settings->Data Management: Select Sample Data: Click Install Sample Data: You will see the message “Installation of sample data is processed in the background. You can continue to use Microsoft Dynamics 365”: Close the dialog. Click to open it again. You will see the message when complete, “Sample data is installed on the system”. Note the option to Remove Sample Data: Sample … Continue reading Installing Sample Data in Dynamics 365

Enable and Disable Turbo Forms and Legacy Forms in Dynamics 365

In Dynamics 365, there are Legacy Forms and Turbo Forms. Turbo forms are a new form rendering option that was built to provide better performance. The only difference to end users is that forms will load faster. However, developers will need to ensure their original legacy forms load properly as turbo forms. You can read more about the changes here on the Microsoft Dynamics 365 CE blog. The option to … Continue reading Enable and Disable Turbo Forms and Legacy Forms in Dynamics 365

Dynamics 365 Calling Update in SDK.REST Invokes Retrieve

In this post we will look at how calling the update method in SDK.REST causes a retrieve to run as well. This is something to note as you may have plugins that run on the retrieve of an entity, which may cause unintended consequences if not handled properly. Let’s create a plugin that will run on the Update of an account: Add the plugin assemblies through NuGet: And the code. … Continue reading Dynamics 365 Calling Update in SDK.REST Invokes Retrieve

View Dynamics 365 Metadata Through URL

To view the Dynamics 365 metadata through a URL, go to the Settings->Customizations and select Developer Resources: Copy the Service Root URL: Paste this into a browser and add $metadata to the URL, so it should be: https://yourorg.api.crm.dynamics.com/api/data/v9.1/$metadata You will see the metadata for this organization: