Azure Marketplace Introduction

The Azure Marketplace allows you to “discover, try and deploy” cloud software. To access the Azure Marketplace, go to: You will see some featured apps, as well as categories of apps: Selecting Apps you will see more categories and apps: You can also find consulting services available: To install, for example, an Ubuntu server, select the app and “Get it now”: Enter any required information: This will then take you … Continue reading Azure Marketplace Introduction

Azure Active Directory – Company Branding

In Azure Active Directory, you can configure the text and graphics your users see when they sign in. To do this, log into Azure Portal at and select Company Branding: Select to configure, and you will see below, where you can configure: Sign-In page background image Banner logo User name hint Sign-in page text Sign-in page color Square Logo Square Logo dark theme If you want to show the … Continue reading Azure Active Directory – Company Branding

Query Folding in Power BI

Query folding is a feature in Power BI that is designed for query optimization. We will go through an example to explain how it works. Consider we have a SQL database, WideWorldImporters, that has a table, [Sales].[Customers]: Let’s pull this data into Power BI desktop. Note we will not enter a SQL statement at this point, but rather select the table and perform filtering later: Select the [Sales].[Customers] table: Click Load to … Continue reading Query Folding in Power BI

PowerApps and Common Data Service for Apps – Create Environment

The Common Data Service for Apps (CDS for Apps) is a way to build rich applications built as implemented by the Common Data Model (CDM) utilizing PowerApps. When you develop an app, you can use the standard base entities and build your own custom entities. From there, you can leverage business rules, business process flows, workflows and extend through code. To administer PowerApps environments, go to You will see: This … Continue reading PowerApps and Common Data Service for Apps – Create Environment

Best Practices Analyzer for USD – Install

The Best Practices Analyzer for Unified Service Desk analyzes a USD installation for: Unified Service Desk hosted controls, events, actions etc System Configurations such as computer hardware, USD version IE settings To install Best Practices Analyzer (BPA), go through the following steps. First, run the USD package deployer: Select Unified Service Desk – Best Practices Analyzer: Click Next: Click Next: Click Next: Click Next: Click Finish: In a future post … Continue reading Best Practices Analyzer for USD – Install

Finding the Power BI Desktop Version

To find the Power BI Desktop version you are running, click on the Help tab and select About. Here you will find the Version: To find out if you are on the latest version of Power BI Desktop, go to: Below is the highlighted version, which shows my installation is due for an update. To update, download the latest version at:  

localStorage and sessionStorage in JavaScript

In JavaScript, there are 2 ways to store data within a web browser: localStorage, which can be used to save data across browser sessions sessionStorage, which stores data for the page session localStorage localStorage.setItem(‘examplevariable’, ‘123’); var a = localStorage.getItem(“examplevariable”); console.log(a); This prints: To delete a variable, we use: localStorage.removeItem(‘examplevariable’); If we try to access the variable after deleting, it will return null. If we set the item in localStorage and … Continue reading localStorage and sessionStorage in JavaScript

Configuring Entitlements and SLAs in D365 Customer Service

Dynamics 365 contains customer service entitlement and service level agreement functionality. To configure this, go through the following steps. First, open the Customer Service App in Dynamics 365: You will see: Select Settings, then under Business select Service Management: You will see below. Select SLA for Service Level Agreements: Select New: Note the options: We will select: You will see below. Note the options for the SLA type: Standard. Note … Continue reading Configuring Entitlements and SLAs in D365 Customer Service

Unified Service Desk – Application Is Dynamic

In USD, there is an option on a hosted control to determine if the control is “dynamic” or not, by setting the “Application is Dynamic” property. What this means, is if the hosted control is not set to Dynamic, then when USD opens it will automatically open the hosted control. If it is set to Dynamic, the configuration will determine when to open the hosted control. For example, in the … Continue reading Unified Service Desk – Application Is Dynamic

Converting a Task to a Case or Opportunity

In this post we will look at converting a task in Dynamics 365 to a case or opportunity. First, we will create a new task: Let’s convert this to an Opportunity: Note the options such including selecting a customer. Click Convert: The task is now an opportunity: Let’s create another task: This time we will convert to Case: Note the options. Click Convert: The new case will open: