Best Practices Analyzer for USD – Setup and Using

In a previous post we installed the Unified Service Desk Best Practices Analyzer. Now we will go into the setup. First, we will create a hosted control. Go to Settings->Unified Service Desk: Hosted Controls: Click New: Enter the following configuration for a new hosted control, with: Microsoft.Crm.UnifiedServiceDesk.BestPracticesAnalyser Microsoft.Crm.UnifiedServiceDesk.BestPracticesAnalyser.BestPracticesAnalyserControl Note the hosted control assembly should exist in the USD client of the USD version that supports the Best Practices Analyzer. You … Continue reading Best Practices Analyzer for USD – Setup and Using

Getting the Connection String to an Azure SQL Database using Visual Studio

To get the connection to an Azure SQL Database using Visual Studio, do the following. Log into Visual Studio and select Server Explorer: Choose SQL Server and click Continue: Enter your connection information and click OK: The database will appear under Data Connections. Click Properties: Then, under Properties, you will see the Connection String:  

How to Install SQL Server Management Studio from Download

To install SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) without installing the full version of SQL Server database, go to and click the Download link: Open the downloaded file: Click Install: Click Close: SSMS is now installed. Search for it in Windows to open it: The application will load: From here, you can connect to a SQL Server:  

How to Create a Log Analytics Workspace in Azure

To set up Azure Log Analytics Workspaces, go to and search for Log Analytics Workspaces, then select it. You will see the window below. Click Add: Select a resource group and provide a unique name, then click Review and Create: Click Create: Click Go to Resource: The resource has been created: If you go to Logs, you will have the ability to query the logs:  

Creating an ASP.NET Core 3.1 Visual Studio Project with Sample

In this post, we will install an ASP.NET Core 3.1 Project in Visual Studio. This will also install the Weather sample. To do this, first open Visual Studio, create a new project: Search for ASP.NET Core Web Application: Enter a name, e.g. Carl.Weather.API and click Create: Select ASP.NET Core 3.1 and API and click Create: We see the project created: Press F5 to run. We see the weather forecast sample … Continue reading Creating an ASP.NET Core 3.1 Visual Studio Project with Sample

How to Delete a GitHub Branch

To delete a GutHub branch go to the repo and select Branches: There is a delete icon: It will now show as Deleted:  

Sending and Accepting a GitHub Repository Invitation

In this post, we will look at how to send an invite to a user in GitHub and how the user can accept the invite to a repository. First, go to the repo and go to Settings->Manage Access, then Invite a Collaborator: Enter the collaborator’s GitHub name: And click Add: Now copy the link and send it to the user: E.g. When the user clicks on the link, they will … Continue reading Sending and Accepting a GitHub Repository Invitation

Creating and Approving Pull Requests in GitHub

In this post, we will go through creating and approving pull requests in GitHub. Our example will include multiple reviewers. First, let’s go to a repo and change a file. We will update the version number of an assembly: Change the version: Now, we will create a new branch based off this change: This takes us to the Pull Request. Let’s add some reviewers by clicking the link on the … Continue reading Creating and Approving Pull Requests in GitHub

Power BI Dynamics 365 The Given Url Neither Points to an OData Service or a Feed

In Power BI, when you connect to the Dynamics 365 (Online) connector, you may see the error “The Given Url Neither Points to an OData Service or a Feed”. To receive this error, in Power BI, connect to Dynamics 365: Enter your Org Url: And see the error: The problem here, is you entered the Org Url not the Web API Url. Enter the following, e.g. You can now … Continue reading Power BI Dynamics 365 The Given Url Neither Points to an OData Service or a Feed

Getting the Salesforce API Version

One method to get the Salesforce API version is to do the following. Go to Setup: In the Quick Find, type API. Select API under Integrations: Select Generate Enterprise WSDL: You will see the version: