Setting up an App Workspace in Power BI and Assigning User Permissions

To create an app workspace, log into You will see the screen below. Click on Workspaces->Create app workspace: You will see below: Enter a name and description: The workspace will load: You can also access the new workspace under the Workspaces: Go to My Workspace and select the created workspace. Select Workspace Settings: From here, you can change the name and description of the workspace, as well as delete … Continue reading Setting up an App Workspace in Power BI and Assigning User Permissions

Finding Reports and Datasets in Power BI Apps

In previous versions of Power BI, on installing a Content Pack, dashboard, reports and datasets would be installed in the My Workspace area of the Power BI service: With Power BI Apps, the evolution of Content Packs, these assets are now bundled within the App. Below is an example of an App installed – you can see the user has no Dashboard, Reports and Datasets under My Workspace when the … Continue reading Finding Reports and Datasets in Power BI Apps

Unified Client Interface (UCI) in Dynamics 365

The Unified Client Interface (UCI) or Unified Interface is a new user interface in Dynamics 365. The idea is that it is one “unified” interface that is able to run everywhere, i.e. web, mobile etc with a rich and responsive design. Enhancements provided by the UCI over previous user interfaces include: Less white space Cleaner more uniform look Enable users to see more data without scrolling Right to Left languages … Continue reading Unified Client Interface (UCI) in Dynamics 365

Sharing an App with a User in Power BI

In this post we will look at how to share an App with a user in Power BI. Our admin user, MOD Administrator, has installed an app, Sales Analytics for Dynamics 365: We now need to share this with our user, Alan Steiner. When Alan logs in, he sees no apps: Back as Administrator, select the App and click Share: You will see the Share dashboard page. Enter the user … Continue reading Sharing an App with a User in Power BI

Creating a Really Simple Date Table in Power BI

Date Tables in Power BI are used to display dates in reports, filter by dates in reports, and use time intelligence functions in Power BI. Date Tables can be created in DAX or Power Query M Language. To create a really simple date table using DAX, you can use CALENDAR or CALENDARAUTO functions. Both these functions will create a table with one field, a Date field. For example, go to … Continue reading Creating a Really Simple Date Table in Power BI

How to Mark a Date Table in Power BI

In Power BI, we can create Date Tables to work with time intelligence. One step in this process is to mark the table as a date table, so Power BI knows to use the table for this purpose. To do this, select your dates table in Power BI Desktop and go to the Modeling tab, select Mark as Date Table: Select the date column from the date table and click OK: … Continue reading How to Mark a Date Table in Power BI

Error Logging Into Dynamics 365 for Phones App

When using the Dynamics 365 for Phones app, you may encounter the error “Additional privileges required. Your user role is missing additional security required to access the mobile app. Please contact your administrator to include the missing privileges for your role. 80040220 Correlation ID : 9ec4ab21-781d-40c6-a176-dc267eedb01c”: You may also receive the message Principal user is missing prvUseTabletApp privilege: There are a couple of things to check here. First, make sure … Continue reading Error Logging Into Dynamics 365 for Phones App

How to Access the Dynamics 365 Login

There are several ways to log into Dynamics 365 / D365. To log into the Home portal, go to This takes the user to the various Dynamics 365 apps available: Selecting an app will log the user directly into the app. Alternatively, a user can access the app directly from its URL. For example, change yourorg to your org – Note in the url, “CRM” may change with the region. … Continue reading How to Access the Dynamics 365 Login

Dynamics 365 CRM URL Regions

Below is a list of the Dynamics 365 CRM URL regions: CRM Identifier Region crm North America crm2 South America crm3 Canada crm4 Europe, Middle East, Africa crm5 Asia Pacific crm6 Oceania crm7 Japan crm8 India crm11 UK crm12 France