Signing up for a Dynamics 365 Trial

Dynamics 365 Trials are useful if you want to learn about the capabilities of Dynamics 365 before buying the application or if you want to test development features. To sign up for a Dynamics 365 Trial, go to You will see the various Dynamics 365 apps available, including: Sales Customer Service Field Service Project Service Automation Finance and Operations Business Central Talent Retail Let’s install a Finance and Operations Trial. … Continue reading Signing up for a Dynamics 365 Trial

How to Use the Dynamics 365 Xrm.WebApi

In Dynamics 365 9.x, there are new Xrm.WebApi JavaScript methods available to call the Dynamics 365 Web APIs. These new methods are very useful in that the plumbing for making these calls is taken care of, so as a developer you can easily create, retrieve, update and delete etc in a few lines of code. Here we will go through examples of how to use the API. Create To create a … Continue reading How to Use the Dynamics 365 Xrm.WebApi

Unified Service Desk and TLS 1.2

As discussed in a previous post, Dynamics 365 version 9 uses TLS 1.2 as its security protocol. This is enabled by default in the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6+, and it is supported and optional in .NET 4.5+. The Unified Service Desk client application uses the following .NET versions: Unified Service Desk 3.1 or higher version – Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 Unified Service Desk 3.0 version – Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 … Continue reading Unified Service Desk and TLS 1.2

Dynamics 365, TLS 1.2 and How to Fix Your Apps

TLS, “Transport Layer Security” is a protocol that provides privacy between 2 applications. TLS has two layers, 1) TLS Record Protocol, which provides security, and 2) TLS Handshake Protocol, which allows the apps to authenticate. TLS 1.2 is the latest release. As the specification states: The primary goal of the TLS protocol is to provide privacy and data integrity between two communicating applications. TLS is supported by the Microsoft .NET Framework in … Continue reading Dynamics 365, TLS 1.2 and How to Fix Your Apps

Signing up for a Microsoft Cognitive Services Subscription Key (Face)

To sign up for a Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services API Key for the Face API, go to and click Try Face: Click to sign in: Enter a name and click Create: Open the resource: Click Grab your keys and copy your keys for later use: Note the endpoint for the keys. My endpoint is: You can now start building Azure Cognitive Services applications.

Dowload Dynamics 365 Entity Record Photo in C#

In Dynamics 365, records can have photos attached to them. For example, let’s say we have a custom entity called Guests, which have the entity photo attached: In this post, we will create a C# app to download all the images on this entity using C#. First, create a new console app in Visual Studio: Install Xrm Tooling: There are a few fields related to the entity image. These are: … Continue reading Dowload Dynamics 365 Entity Record Photo in C#

Sample Data – Orders with Order Date and Ship Date

Below is a table of orders data that can be used for test reporting such as Power BI. Order Number Amount Order Date Ship Date 1 100 1/1/2017 2/1/2017 2 150 2/1/2017 2/10/2017 3 200 3/2/2017 3/15/2017 4 250 4/3/2017 4/21/2017 5 200 1/1/2017 3/1/2017 6 300 10/1/2017 10/3/2017 7 110 1/1/2018 2/1/2018 8 160 2/1/2018 2/15/2018 9 210 3/5/2018 3/20/2018 10 280 4/6/2018 4/22/2018 11 210 1/2/2018 3/1/2018

Creating a New Service Task in Field Service for Dynamics 365

To create a new service type task in Field Service, go to Field Service Settings and select Service Task Types: You will see a list of Service Task Types: Click New to create a new one: Enter the name, duration of the task and description: This can then be added to the work order:  

Power BI – Year over Year (YOY) Reports using SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR

In Power BI, we may want to compare periods with our data to create reports such as year over year comparisons. Power BI offers several DAX time intelligence functions. In this post we will look at SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR. Let’s say we have an Orders table that contains orders for the last 2 years. The table contains an Order Date and a Ship Date: We also have a standard Dates table. Now let’s … Continue reading Power BI – Year over Year (YOY) Reports using SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR

Migrate USD from Web Client to Unified Interface with Migration Assistant

In Unified Service Desk, there is a new tool that allows you to migrate your USD configuration from the Dynamics 365 Web Client to the new Unified Interface. In this post we will go through a migration, using the “Web Client – Unified Interface Migration Assistant” tool. In our USD environment we see the following solutions. We are running USD 4.0: With hosted controls using CRM Page and KB Control: … Continue reading Migrate USD from Web Client to Unified Interface with Migration Assistant