Error Creating an Instance with CLSID IClassFactory Shutdown Error in USD

When starting Unified Service Desk, you may come across the error: Creating an instance of the COM component with CLSID {0002DF01-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} from the IClassFactory failed due to the following error: 800704a6 One way to resolve the problem is to restart the machine, however there is a much simpler option. Open Windows Task Manager and find the running Internet Explorer processes – iexplore.exe – and end all of these processes: Now start … Continue reading Error Creating an Instance with CLSID IClassFactory Shutdown Error in USD

Find Which Privileges Are Applied to Which Roles in Dynamics 365 with Privileges Discovery

In Dynamics 365, privileges are assigned to roles. Users can have many roles applied, and users can be assigned to teams which have many roles applied as well. As a system administrator, you may need to know which roles have which privileges, such as when you are troubleshooting why a particular user does or does not have access to certain records. For example, the Account Manager role below has many … Continue reading Find Which Privileges Are Applied to Which Roles in Dynamics 365 with Privileges Discovery

Adding and Customizing Subgrid Search Box in Dynamics 365

In Dynamics 365, we can add subgrids to forms. We can also add a search box to the subgrid, allowing users to search for particular data within the subgrid records. In this post we will go through setting up this search box and configuring which fields are searchable. On the account form, we have a subgrid that displays contacts related to the account: On editing the form, we can see … Continue reading Adding and Customizing Subgrid Search Box in Dynamics 365

Installing and Using the Timeline Slicer Visual for Power BI

The Timeline Slicer is a Power BI visualization built by Microsoft that allows for dragging of a timeline slider to set date ranges on your reports. To install the Timeline Slicer, you can add the visual by downloading the file, or install it directly in Power BI through the Marketplace. We will go through each. Installing through File Browse to: You should see the Timeline Slicer by Microsoft in the … Continue reading Installing and Using the Timeline Slicer Visual for Power BI

Resco Mobile Client, Online Mode vs Offline Mode

In the Resco Mobile Client, there is online and offline mode when working with your data from Dynamics 365, Salesforce etc. In this post, we will show how it works. Online and offline mode is set by clicking on the computer icon in the Resco Mobile Client. Online looks like below, with the “computer screen” filled in: Offline looks like below, with the screen not filled in: With Online mode … Continue reading Resco Mobile Client, Online Mode vs Offline Mode

Installing the Resco Mobile App for Windows

To install the Resco Field Service Mobile App for Windows, go to: Select Windows (desktop): Open the file: Click Next: Click Next: Click Next: Click Close: Now, from the start menu, run Resco MobileCRM. You will see below. Click Internal User: Select Standard User and enter your credentials. Click Refresh: It will show as Synchronizing: When complete, you will then be able to use the mobile client:  

Installing the Field Service Mobile App for Dynamics 365

Once you have installed and configured the Resco Mobile Solution in Dynamics 365, you can use the Resco Mobile Client. The client can be downloaded on Smartphones. Click on this link to find the links to your phone app: Select to Install: Select Internal User: Enter your credentials, i.e. your Dynamics 365 URL, email login, password. Press the refresh icon in the top right, and you will then be connected … Continue reading Installing the Field Service Mobile App for Dynamics 365

Installing and Configuring the Resco Mobile Solution for Dynamics 365

To install the Resco Mobile Solution, first you are using a browser that supports Silverlight and you are running in non-Private mode. Go to: Select the version of the Resco client to install. I will select 2013, 2015, 2016: Download the file: In Dynamics 365, import the file: You will see when complete: Once downloaded, click Publish All Customizations: Refresh Dynamics 365. You will see MobileCRM under Settings. Select Woodford: … Continue reading Installing and Configuring the Resco Mobile Solution for Dynamics 365

Power BI – Analyze in Excel

In Power BI, we have the ability to analyze report data in Excel. There are several ways to access this functionality. For example, select a data source and then Analyze in Excel: Alternatively, select Reports and then Analyze in Excel: Or, go to Apps and select your app: Select View Related: Select the Analyze in Excel icon: Once you select Analyze in Excel, you will see “First, you need some … Continue reading Power BI – Analyze in Excel

Using Quick Insights in Power BI

Quick Insights are a feature of Power BI that analyses data sets and finds patterns, trends and outliers. Once your data is uploaded to the Power BI cloud, you can use the Quick Insights feature. Using it is simple. First log into Go to a report you have created in your app workspace and select the Quick Insights icon: Alternatively, select the Dataset and View Insights. The insights actually … Continue reading Using Quick Insights in Power BI