USD Toolbar Button Visibility and Replacement Parameter Logic

In Unified Service Desk, we can use Toolbar buttons to perform actions in the application. For example here we have toolbar buttons in the main application: Now let’s say we want to hide and show these buttons based on certain values. For example, if the user is based in the US, and the Maps application is loaded, we may want to show a button that allows us to open a … Continue reading USD Toolbar Button Visibility and Replacement Parameter Logic

Everything You Need to Know About Using Microsoft Excel with Dynamics 365

In Dynamics 365, there are several ways to use Excel to analyze data. In this post, we will look at the various different options. Let’s start with a view of All Accounts. Note we’re displaying this in the Sales Hub app. The logic applied to the web client as well. In the toolbar, we have several Excel options, including: Excel Templates Export to Excel Open in Excel Online Static Worksheet … Continue reading Everything You Need to Know About Using Microsoft Excel with Dynamics 365

Error Connecting to Dynamics 365 from Excel, Cannot Download the Information you Requested

When downloading a spreadsheet from Dynamics 365, you may run into the problem: Unable to open Cannot download the information you requested: To resolve this, in Internet Explorer options, uncheck “Do not save encrypted paged to disk”: Click OK and click Refresh All: If this doesn’t resolve the issue, or you get the issue: “This web query returned no data. To change the query, click OK, click the arrow … Continue reading Error Connecting to Dynamics 365 from Excel, Cannot Download the Information you Requested

Set and Retrieve a Lookup Id and Value using Xrm.WebApi

We can use JavaScript to connect to Dynamics 365 and set and retrieve a lookup id and value. Let’s say on an Account, we have the Owner field, which is a lookup: We would like to set the value of this lookup field through JavaScript. Let’s say we want to set it to another system user, Alan Steiner. To set the value, we will need to know Guid of Alan’s … Continue reading Set and Retrieve a Lookup Id and Value using Xrm.WebApi

Create and Add Debugger to the Menu in Unified Service Desk

In this post we will look at how to create and add a USD Debugger to a USD installation. We will add it to the USD toolbar, on the top right: The steps we will perform: Create a Debugger hosted control. Find where the toolbar will sit in the XAML panel layout. Create a toolbar container for this panel. Create a toolbar for this toolbar container. Add the toolbar button. Add … Continue reading Create and Add Debugger to the Menu in Unified Service Desk

How to Change the Font Size in Power BI Reports

To change the font size of a Power BI report: Select a visualization and on the right go to the Format tab: To change the Column Header size, expand Column Headers. You will see Text Size: For the actual values, expand Values and find Text Size: You will see the font size change:  

What Are Power BI Dataflows and How to Use Them (with Dynamics 365 and Common Data Model)

Power BI Dataflows are a feature of Power BI that allows organizations to unify data from various sources, prepare the data for consumption, and publish for users to consume in Power BI. Dataflows connect to multiple familiar data sources such as Excel, Dynamics 365, Salesforce and databases, then transform the data within a web browser so it is ready for use in reports and dashboards. The end result is a … Continue reading What Are Power BI Dataflows and How to Use Them (with Dynamics 365 and Common Data Model)

Processing a Return to Warehouse in Dynamics 365 Field Service

In this post, we will show how to process a return to a warehouse in Dynamics 365 Field Service. We will follow on from our previous post of managing inventory in Dynamics 365. There are different ways to create a return in Dynamics 365, including a return to warehouse and return to vendor. The first thing to do is to create a return merchandise authorization (RMA). Go to the Field … Continue reading Processing a Return to Warehouse in Dynamics 365 Field Service

Managing Inventory in Dynamics 365 Field Service

In the Dynamics 365 Field Service app, we can manage product inventory. In this post, we will go through how to manage inventory. First, from yours apps in Dynamics 365, open the Field Service app: You will see: Select “…” and then Field Service Settings: You will see the settings: Expanding the view, we can see all the Field Service settings: To manage inventory, we will first look at where … Continue reading Managing Inventory in Dynamics 365 Field Service