How to Embed a Canvas App in a Model Driven App in PowerApps

In PowerApps, there are 2 types of apps, Canvas Apps and Model Driven Apps. If you are new to PowerApps, you can learn more about the differences here. In short, Canvas Apps are designed to build a flexible user interface that connects to various data sources easily, whereas model driven apps are designed with an out of the box business model that you can easily extend and integrate. In this … Continue reading How to Embed a Canvas App in a Model Driven App in PowerApps

Understanding Intersect Entities and N:N Relationships in Dynamics 365

In Dynamics 365, there are 3 different types of relationships: one to many (1:N) many to one (N:1) many to many (N:N) When a many to many relationship is created by using the standard method of clicking “New Many to Many Relationship”, an “intersect” entity is created that allows for the relationship to exist. An out of the box example of a many to many relationship is systemuserroles, which maps … Continue reading Understanding Intersect Entities and N:N Relationships in Dynamics 365

Enabling Hybrid Experience for Missing Functionality in Unified Interface in Dynamics 365

In the Dynamics 365 Unified Interface, certain pieces of functionality are currently not available that exist in the legacy web client. These include (at the time of writing): Advanced Find Bulk Delete Merge Records Record Sharing Set Personal Options For example, in the web client, we can see the Advanced Find icon: Which opens Advanced Find: If we open Customer Service Hub, which uses the Unified Interface, we do not … Continue reading Enabling Hybrid Experience for Missing Functionality in Unified Interface in Dynamics 365

Modifying Lookup Fields and Lookup Views in Dynamics 365

In Dynamics 365, we can add lookup fields to forms. When the field is selected, it will display certain information regarding the data. In this post we will look at how this works. Let’s look at the Account field on an Opportunity form. Note the fields displayed and the order – Name, Email, Phone Number: Selecting Look Up More Records, we see the view is Account Lookup View: If we … Continue reading Modifying Lookup Fields and Lookup Views in Dynamics 365

Opting In to the April 2019 Preview Features in Dynamics 365

To opt in to the April 2019 update, first, sign into You will see: Click on Environments to display a list of your environments: Click on the environment you want to opt in: On the right, note the current database version, in this case In the updates section, select Manage: You will see “April 2019 update – These changes will go live in April, but you can activate them … Continue reading Opting In to the April 2019 Preview Features in Dynamics 365

Adding a JavaScript Function to a Field in Dynamics 365 Power Apps On Load with addOnChange

In this post we will look at how to add a function to field in Dynamics 365 / Power Apps, so when a form loads, the function will run on change of the field. We can do this by using addOnChange. Let’s say I have a field called My Optional Field (new_myoptionalfield) which is on an entity called My New Entity. The field is on the main form: Now let’s say … Continue reading Adding a JavaScript Function to a Field in Dynamics 365 Power Apps On Load with addOnChange