Copying a Dynamics 365 Organization into another Org

In this post, we will look at how to copy a Dynamics 365 instance into a sandbox instance. For example, you may have a production environment with production data and customizations that you would like to copy down to a development instance. In our case, we have Contoso, which is our production organization, and Contoso DEV, our development org. We will select Contoso to copy from. You will see the … Continue reading Copying a Dynamics 365 Organization into another Org

Updating Dynamics 365 Records using Export and Import with Excel

Following on from a previous example, we can use Excel to update records in Dynamics 365 by exporting the records to an Excel file. To do this, select the records you would like to export in Advanced Find: Export:   Open the downloaded spreadsheet and make an update to an account: Save the Excel file. Create a new Import in Dynamics 365 under Data Management->Imports: Select No to Allow Duplicates: … Continue reading Updating Dynamics 365 Records using Export and Import with Excel

How to Copy Records from One Dynamics 365 Org to Another using Export and Import

A simple way to copy data from one Dynamics 365 organization to another is to use the export and import functionality. Let’s say we have created some new accounts in the source system. We will create an advanced find to show us accounts created today so we can export them: Click Export Accounts: Export to Static Worksheet: This will download an xlsx spreadsheet. Open the file: Optionally, click on the … Continue reading How to Copy Records from One Dynamics 365 Org to Another using Export and Import

Creating a GitHub Wiki Documentation for Your Repository

In this post, we will look at how to create wiki documentation for your GitHub repository. This can be very useful to document your GitHub code. Let’s go through an example. Go to a GitHub repository, and in the menu you should see Wiki: Click Create the First Page: You should see something like below: We see the title of the page is Home, and it has some basic test. Let’s … Continue reading Creating a GitHub Wiki Documentation for Your Repository

Retrieve and RetrieveMultiple JavaScript using Xrm.WebApi

Let’s look at how to use Retrieve and RetrieveMultiple using JavaScript and the Xrm.WebApi. Consider the scenario where we have an account: We can run this code in browser debugger. Hit F12 and let’s run this code: We get the output: And if we want to do a RetrieveMultiple: We get:  

Using Sample Datasets Installed in R

R has built-in datasets which can be useful for learning R. Let’s take a look at these. From RGui, let’s see the packages installed by going to Load package: We can see datsets and MASS are installed: From RStudio we can see the same thing: We can use datasets right away as the library is loaded. In RGui or RStudio, type in: data() This will display the datasets installed in the … Continue reading Using Sample Datasets Installed in R

You are not a member of this organization in Dynamics 365

In Dynamics 365, you may get the message “You are not a member of this organization.You do not belong to the organization. Verify the organization name and try to sign in again“. If a user gets this message, confirm they have a license for Dynamics 365. Go to the Microsoft admin portal at Ensure the right licenses have been assigned for Dynamics 365, for example: Then log into the … Continue reading You are not a member of this organization in Dynamics 365

Install nvm Node Version Manager on Windows

To install Node Version Manager or nvm on Windows do the following. First, go to and select the file: You will see: Unblock and extract the zip file: Click Install: As Node.js is already installed, I get this message: Click Finish: Now, open a command prompt and type: nvm version You should see the version number of nvm, confirming the installation worked:  

How to Check if nvm is Installed on Windows

To check if nvm or node version manager is installed in your Windows environment, open a command prompt and type: nvm version You should see the version of nvm installed: If you installed it using this GitHub release you should also be able to go to Windows Add/Remove Programs and see the app:  

How to Check the Status of Azure Services and Regions

Microsoft publishes the status of its different Azure services and regions online. Let’s look at a couple of places to check. To check the status of Azure, go to: From here, select your region and scroll to the type of service you would like a status on: To see a history of statuses, click on Status History: Another place to check is Click to see Status History: