Dynamics 365 Conditional Branching in Business Process Flows

In this post, we will look at how conditional branching works with Business Process Flows in Dynamics 365. Let’s create a new BPF: We will call it Account Conditional Flow, and run it on the account entity: Let’s create a new Stage. Rename it to Stage1: And we will create add a new condition by clickind Add Condition, then selecting the + sign next to the Stage: We see our … Continue reading Dynamics 365 Conditional Branching in Business Process Flows

Calling a Dynamics 365 Action from JavaScript using Xrm.WebApi.online.execute

In this post, we will continue with our example of calling a Dynamics 365 action from JavaScript, this time using the Xrm.WebApi. In the previous example, on saving a case, we would call an action to send an email to a developer if the title of the case contained the word “bug”. The action would accept 2 inputs, a “to” user and a “from” user to send the email to … Continue reading Calling a Dynamics 365 Action from JavaScript using Xrm.WebApi.online.execute

Translating and Renaming Dynamics 365 Artifacts into Other Languages

In this post, we will look at how to translate and rename Dynamics 365 artifacts for other languages or for localized meanings. For example, let’s say Dynamics 365 is running Spanish, and we see the words Cuentas and Cuenta for customers: Let’s say we want this to say Clients and Client instead (not Spanish but let’s use it for the demo). In Customizations, create a new solution and add the … Continue reading Translating and Renaming Dynamics 365 Artifacts into Other Languages

How to Install Languages in Dynamics 365

To install languages in Dynamics 365, go through the following steps. First, go to Settings->Administration and select Languages: You will see a list of languages. Let’s install Spanish, by selecting it: You will see “This operation will either enable or disable the selected languages for your Organization.” Click OK: You will see below. This may take some time to complete: Once complete, the language will show as Enabled: Go to … Continue reading How to Install Languages in Dynamics 365

Getting Started with GitHub

GitHub is a development platform which you can use for source control. In this series of posts, we will look at how to sign up for and use GitHub. Go to https://github.com and click Sign up: Enter a username and password: And then select a plan: You can see the differences between the Personal and Team accounts: You will be asked to then verify your email address, and you will … Continue reading Getting Started with GitHub

Adding Users to a GitHub Repository

We have a private GitHub repo which looks like below: If a user that does not have access were to access this page, they would see: Type in a GitHub user name: The invited user will now see the invitation. They should click to Accept: And they will now see the repo: From the admin side, we see the user has accepted:  

Installing and Using GitHub Desktop on Windows

Before getting started, you will want to install Git on Windows. Once you have Git installed, let’s install GitHub Desktop for Windows. To install GitHub Desktop, go to https://desktop.github.com/ and click Download for Windows (64 bit): This will download the GitHubDesktopSetup.exe file. Click to open it: Click to create an account or sign in: We will sign into GitHub.com: Click Continue: Click Finish: We are logged in. We see a repo we … Continue reading Installing and Using GitHub Desktop on Windows

Create an ASP.NET Core API in Visual Studio and Publish to Azure

In this post, we will create a Web Api using ASP.NET Core. We will create a basic CRM API system that manages Customers. The steps we will go through are: Create an ASP.NET Core Project in Visual Studio Get Customers Add a Model Publish to Azure Azure Portal Kudu Let’s get started. Create an ASP.NET Core Project in Visual Studio Open Visual Studio and create a new ASP.NET Core Web … Continue reading Create an ASP.NET Core API in Visual Studio and Publish to Azure

How to Change the Port in an ASP.NET Core Web API

To change the port in an ASP.NET Web API, under Properties go to the launchSettings.json file. In this case, let’s change the IIS default SSL port. Here it is 44354: If we run this before changing it by pressing F5, we see the page opens to port 44354: Let’s change it to port 44336: On rerunning our Web API, we see our port has been updated:  

Converting a URL Link Field in Power BI from Text to Hyperlink to Icon

In Power BI, your data may contain a hyperlink to a webpage. For example, consider the query of Companies below that has a company name and website field: In Power BI, selecting these fields on a report will produce a text field for the hyperlink: To tell Power BI that this is a URL link, select the field, go to Modeling and change the Data Category to Web URL: These … Continue reading Converting a URL Link Field in Power BI from Text to Hyperlink to Icon