How to Install Postman for Windows

The Postman Chrome extension is being deprecated and replaced with Postman for Windows. To install it, head over to and click Download: We will download the Windows 64-bit app. Click to open the exe: From here, the Windows app will install and open:  

Installing Microsoft Flow Addin for Excel and Selected Row Email Demo

In this post, we will look at how to install and use the Microsoft Flow Add-In for Excel. First, open Excel and go to Office Add-Ins, then select Microsoft Flow for Excel (Preview). Click Add: You will see: The Add-in is now ready to use. Let’s create a new spreadsheet, Customers, with a column for the Customers, and we will make this selection a table by highlighting then selecting Table … Continue reading Installing Microsoft Flow Addin for Excel and Selected Row Email Demo

Enabling the 2019 Release Wave 2 Preview in the Power Platform

To enable your Org to use the 2019 Release Wave 2 Preview, log into and select your org: On the right in Updates, click Manage: You will see: 2019 release wave 2 Update now and your end users get new features in: PowerApps and Platform Dynamics 365 Sales Dynamics 365 Customer Service Dynamics 365 Marketing All updates will happen at once. Note this cannot be undone. Click Update Now: Enter the … Continue reading Enabling the 2019 Release Wave 2 Preview in the Power Platform

Embedding and Viewing an AI Builder Model in PowerApps and Dynamics 365

In our last post, we created a Binary Classification model using the AI Builder in Microsoft PowerApps. In this post, we will continue the example and embed the results in a PowerApp / Dynamics 365 so users can view these results. First, select the AI Model and in the bottom, click Publish: This will publish the model: Once complete, the model will show as “Live”: Now, let’s add this to … Continue reading Embedding and Viewing an AI Builder Model in PowerApps and Dynamics 365

Using the AI Builder in the Microsoft Power Platform for Binary Classification

In this post, we will look at how to use the AI Builder for PowerApps and Dynamics 365 to predict an outcome in the Microsoft Power Platform. Note at the time of writing this is Preview functionality. The AI Builder is an Artificial Intelligence feature of the Microsoft Power Platform that is used to perform AI functionality. In this post, we will look at a Binary Classification example. First, go … Continue reading Using the AI Builder in the Microsoft Power Platform for Binary Classification

Create Database vs Don’t Create Database in Model-Driven Power Apps

When creating model-driven Power Apps, you will be presented with an option if you would like to create a database or not. Let’s create a new app and see how this option works. First, sign in to the Power Apps admin portal at and create a new environment with a database: Enter an environment name. We will call it CreateDatabaseOrg and select Yes to Create a database for this environment: … Continue reading Create Database vs Don’t Create Database in Model-Driven Power Apps

How to Use Azure Notebooks Hello World

Azure Notebooks are Jupyter notebooks running on Azure, which is great as users don’t need to install any software locally, and it comes with other cool features as well. To access Notebooks, go to and sign in: You will be prompted to create a user id. Enter one and click Save: You will see below: Let’s click on Create a New Project, called Hello World. Note the option to make this … Continue reading How to Use Azure Notebooks Hello World

Jupyter Notebook Installing and Hello World on Windows

In a previous post, we looked at installing Python on Windows. In this post, we will install Jupyter Notebook running Python 3. To do this, open a command prompt and type: py -m pip install jupyter This will install the packages required for Jupyter: You will see something like below when complete: Now, to run Jupyter, run the command: py -m notebook This will launch a web browser with Jupyter … Continue reading Jupyter Notebook Installing and Hello World on Windows

Python 3 Missing from Jupyter Notebook in Windows

In this post, we will look at what to do if Python 3 is installed in your Windows environment but it is not appearing in your Jupyter Notebook under New. To fix this, open your command prompt and type: py -m pip install ipykernel Then run below: py -m ipykernel install –user Now start Juypter Notebook using the command: py -m jupyter notebook You will then see Python 3 showing … Continue reading Python 3 Missing from Jupyter Notebook in Windows

Deploy Sample Apps or Not When Creating New Power Apps

In Power Apps, when we create a model-driven app, get the option to add Sample Apps. Let’s take a quick look at what this means. Let’s create a model-driven app with a database: We get the option to Deploy sample apps and data: Let’s click Yes: Our new environment is created: Let’s click on the URL to take us to the new environment: Clicking on the link, we see Sample … Continue reading Deploy Sample Apps or Not When Creating New Power Apps