Retrieving Entity Metadata in Dynamics 365 with JavaScript

In this post, we will look at how to retrieve Entity Metadata in Dynamics 365 with JavaScript. Let’s say you want to get the metadata for an entity. Running this, we get: Let’s say you want to retrieve all attributes for a given entity, We will do this for the account entity. The code: Running this, we get: For more information, check out here.

Publishing a Microsoft Power Virtual Agents Bot to Microsoft Teams

In a previous post, we looked at how to create a PowerApps Virtual Agent that gets the weather from an MSN weather service, so users can ask the bot what the weather is. In this post, we will deploy that service out to Microsoft Teams, so users of Teams can easily ask the bot questions. First, let’s go to the bot and go to Manage->Channels, then select Microsoft Teams: This … Continue reading Publishing a Microsoft Power Virtual Agents Bot to Microsoft Teams

Deploying Microsoft Power Automate Flows from One Environment to Another

In this post, we will look at how to deploy Microsoft Automate Flows from one environment to another. Let’s say we have a Flow we have created in our Development environment and we want to deploy it to our Production environment. In our Development environment, we have a flow called “Power Virtual Agent Flow Template”, which we happened to create from a Power Virtual Agent bot. This flow is in … Continue reading Deploying Microsoft Power Automate Flows from One Environment to Another

Showing an Error through JavaScript in Power Apps and Dynamics 365

When customizing model-driven Power Apps and Dynamics 365 with JavaScript, you may need to display an error to the user. One way to do this is to use Xrm.Navigation.openErrorDialog, which is called like below: Xrm.Navigation.openErrorDialog(errorOptions).then(successCallback,errorCallback); Let’s run it in browser Development Tools to show how it works. Open a Power App and in dev tools add the following code: Xrm.Navigation.openErrorDialog({ errorCode:”ABC7123″, details:”These are the details that will go into the … Continue reading Showing an Error through JavaScript in Power Apps and Dynamics 365

Using JavaScript to Add Spinner and Block UI in Dynamics 365 and Power Apps

In Power Apps and Dynamics 365, when writing custom JavaScript code, you may want to stop users from interacting with the user interface while your JavaScript code is processing. An example of this might be when a user clicks a custom button and some code runs, and while the code is running we want to display a “Processing” message until the code is complete. We can do this easily in … Continue reading Using JavaScript to Add Spinner and Block UI in Dynamics 365 and Power Apps

Create a Bot using Power Virtual Agents and Power Automate to Get Today’s Weather with No Code

The Microsoft Power Platform has exciting new capabilities with its Power Virtual Agents, used to build intelligent bots, and Power Automate, used to write no-code flows and integrations. What’s also exciting is the ability to call flows from bots in order to help bots answer questions and provide information to a customer/user. As I previously promised after the Ignite 2019 announcements, we will now look at how to create a … Continue reading Create a Bot using Power Virtual Agents and Power Automate to Get Today’s Weather with No Code

4 Years Ago Today at eXtremeCRM 2015 Conference in San Diego

I saw a photo come up in my social media feed from 4 years ago today at the eXtremeCRM 2015 (now eXtreme365) Conference in San Diego. What do you think, pretty accurate? Great conference, how time has flown and things have changed since the Dynamics CRM 2016 release preview.

Checking out the Org Browser Canvas App in Power Apps

In Microsoft Power Apps, there is an Org Browser Canvas App which connects to your Office 365 data and enables the app user to search for Office 365 users in an organization. This can be convenient if you want to enable users to contact other users, especially mobile ones. Let’s take a look at it. To install it, go to and select Apps, then Org Browser: Give the App … Continue reading Checking out the Org Browser Canvas App in Power Apps

How to Create Custom Events, Metrics, Traces in Azure Application Insights using C#

In our previous post, we created a Web API app running in Azure with Application Insights enabled. In this post, we will show how to write custom events to App Insights using C#. We will use the same Web API code we installed in the previous post. Open the project in Visual Studio and install the Microsoft.ApplicationInsights NuGet package: Click OK: Now the code. Let’s add an Event, a Metric … Continue reading How to Create Custom Events, Metrics, Traces in Azure Application Insights using C#

How to Create a Web API App using ASP.NET Core with App Insights

In this post, we will look at how to create an ASP.NET Core Web Application and host it in Azure with Application Insights. First, let’s open Visual Studio and create a new ASP.NET Core Web Application project: Give the project a name: And select API as the type: We see the project in VS below: Press F5 to run the app. Click Yes if you see the message below: And click … Continue reading How to Create a Web API App using ASP.NET Core with App Insights