Introduction to DAX (Data Analysis Expressions)

DAX, or Data Analysis Expressions, is a library of functions, formula and query language used in analytics. It is used in: Power BI SSAS Tabular models (SQL Server Analysis Services) Power Pivot in Excel To write DAX formulas in Power BI, open Power BI Desktop and go to your dataset. In the example below we have Transactions: Click on the Ellipse next to the dataset and you will see “New measure” … Continue reading Introduction to DAX (Data Analysis Expressions)

Unified Service Desk – Navigate Action

In Unified Service Desk, we can use the Navigate action to navigate in our controls. For example, let’s say we have a control that displays a CRM Page, called Dashboard: The control shows as empty as we have not specified the page to load. The Navigate action specifies the URL to navigate to: Or to a webpage:  

CRM Page Call Actions from Debugger

The CRM Page hosted control is a type of hosted control in USD. The control contains several predefined UII actions. Here we will go through using the control and using some of these UII actions. Let’s take a look at the Account hosted control in our application. This control is invoked when an account is selected from the Search control.  USD knows the selection is an account and uses windows routing rules to determine … Continue reading CRM Page Call Actions from Debugger

Azure Active Directory Users and Groups

To manage users and groups in Azure Active Directory, select Active Directory in To add a new group, select Users and Groups->All Groups->Add: Enter a group name and click Create: To add new users, select All Users->Add: Enter in details and click Create: You will then be able to manage the user:  

Node.js Hello World on Windows

In this example, we will create a Hello World application for Node.js. Let’s start with a simple example. I have installed Node.js on Windows and have a Node directory in C:\ drive. In command prompt, cd to this directory. In that directory is a JavaScript file that writes out a console log “Hello World”: To run the file, enter: node HelloWorld.js Hello World is returned by Node. Now create a new … Continue reading Node.js Hello World on Windows

Dynamics CRM Retrieve Multiple and Query Expression

Query Expression is a class used to build queries in Dynamics CRM. Let’s go through some examples of how to use this. Here are some of our records in CRM: If we want to return the Alexis Fry contact, we can use the RetrieveMultiple method to do this. It will retrieve all records where the contact name is Alexis Fry, in this case one record. Note if you know the GUID … Continue reading Dynamics CRM Retrieve Multiple and Query Expression

Introduction to OAuth

OAuth is an open standard for authorization of websites and applications. It provides these applications with a simple, secure way allow their users to access their data. For example, let’s say you are a developer building an application. OAuth allows you to delegate the authorization. There are many websites and mobile applications that use Facebook or Google to authentication users. This is done through OAuth. OAuth has many benefits. The framework does … Continue reading Introduction to OAuth


DAX has various date functions we can use to help us visualize data. Let’s go through an example. In our dataset, we have order lines and we have the orders associated with them. Orders have a date field, i.e. when our customer placed the order: We have an active relationship in Power BI matching our orders and lines: We can derive the year, month, day, hour, minute and second from … Continue reading Using DAX YEAR

Unified Service Desk – Close Action

In Unified Service Desk, one of the actions associated with a hosted control is the Close action. This action is useful if you would like to close a hosted control that has been loaded. For example, in the case below, we have a custom hosted control that displays dashboard in a tab: To close this, we can run the Close action. We can do this from the Debugger, or anywhere … Continue reading Unified Service Desk – Close Action

Connecting to Dynamics 365 using the Organization Service Proxy

We will connect to Dynamics 365 from a console app using the Organization Service Proxy. To do this, create a new console app. Add the assemblies: Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk System.ServiceModel (for ClientCredentials) We will also add Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Proxy to get the version info from Dynamics 365. Add using statements: using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client; using System.ServiceModel.Description; using Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages; Now the code to connect to Dynamics 365: using System; using System.Linq; using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client; using System.ServiceModel.Description; using Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages; namespace … Continue reading Connecting to Dynamics 365 using the Organization Service Proxy