USD – Stop User from Closing a Tab

new action and call SetUserCanClose. Set this to true or false: We now have 2 actions, one to open the control, and the other to set the property so it…

Xrm Tooling Login Control

The Dynamics CRM SDK has a login control that you can use in your client applications. Let’s go through an example of how to use this. Open Visual Studio and

Finding the USD Version

…the option to open the About window. To do this, go to the Settings->About menu, and the following screen will open, with the the version information: For the server, go…

Using the Windows API

In this post, we will look at how to use the Windows API to get and set windows in the Windows operating system. First, create a new console app: We…

Dynamics 365 Organization Insights

…you will see a new solution installed: Version or later is the official release. To view, go to Settings->Organization Insights: The Home screen has several charts: These charts can…

Create a Dynamics 365 Dashboard

To create a dashboard, go to the Dashboards section you would like the new dashboard (e.g. Sales) and select New: You will then have the option to choose the layout…

Update Record in Dynamics 365 using jQuery

…This example updates an account record name: function updateAccount() { var context = Xrm.Page.context; var serverUrl = context.getClientUrl(); var guid =; var endpoint = “/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc”; var account = new

Dynamics 365 Raise Error in Plugin

To raise an error in the plugin code, we use InvalidPluginExecutionException. For example: throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException(“Plugin has run. Code will stop executing.”); The code runs in the Execute function of…