Entity Metadata using WebAPI

…we can use EntityDefinitions. For example, to get the entity definition for the Contact entity: We use the URL: https://yourcrm.crm.dynamics.com/api/data/v8.2/EntityDefinitions(LogicalName=’contact’): To select a particular field, for example, color: https://yourcrm.crm.dynamics.com/api/data/v8.2/EntityDefinitions(LogicalName=’contact’)?$select=EntityColor:  …

Office 365 Identity Management

…such as Outlook.com, they would need to sign in again. Active Directory Federated Services. In this case, a user would log onto their computer using their credentials, and then they…

Power BI Service Administrator Role

…in Office 365. This role is called Power BI Service Administrator. To assign the role, log into https://portal.office.com and log into the Admin portal. Select Edit a User to edit…

How to Check the Status of Azure Services and Regions

Microsoft publishes the status of its different Azure services and regions online. Let’s look at a couple of places to check. To check the status of Azure, go to: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/status/…

SQL 2016 Azure Virtual Machine

In Azure, there is a SQL Server 2016 virtual machine to get you up and running quickly. To install it, go to portal.azure.com and select Databases->SQL Server 2016 SP1 Enterprise…

Using Quick Insights in Power BI

…use the Quick Insights feature. Using it is simple. First log into https://powerbi.com. Go to a report you have created in your app workspace and select the Quick Insights icon:…

XrmToolBox Metadata Browser

The XrmToolBox Metadata Browser is an XrmToolBox plugin tool from MsCrmTools that allows you to browse metadata in the Dynamics 365 application. To use it, open XrmToolBox and select Metadata…

View Workflow Process History in Dynamics 365

…the details including when it ran, the record it ran on etc: You can also access this from the workflow itself. Open the workflow and select Process Sessions: To view…

Accessing Advanced Customizations in PowerApps

…in PowerApps, log into https://powerapps.microsoft.com: and select Settings -> Advanced Customizations: This will open the Advanced Customizations pane: From here, we can manage Users, Security Roles, Themes, Publishers and Developer…