Dynamics CRM Entity Relationships

In our movie example, let’s create a new entity called Actors. The entity will have a first name and a last name attribute. One movie can have many actors, and

Power BI Direct Query Limitation

…with the data source by adding new custom columns, measures and calcuated columns and define new relationships from the connected data and also other data sources. You will have a…

Publishing from Excel 2016 to Power BI

…see a success message: A new dataset will be created (no report or dashboard): Go to Schedule Refresh. You will see the new dataset with a OneDrive refresh option:  …

Dynamics 365 Teams

…add or remove team membership for these teams, or you will get the error below: To create a new team, select New: Note the team type – Owner and Access:…

Alternate Keys in Dynamics 365

…by referencing the new key. In the backend, when you create a key, it creates a database index so the record lookup is optimized. Let’s go through setting this up….

Currency Setup in Dynamics 365

To set up a new currency in the system, go to Settings->Business Management and select Currencies: Click New: Use the currency code lookup to select a currency: Set the conversion…

Activities in Dynamics 365

…menu options: Note the options to close and complete the task. Completing the task sets the status to complete. Closing the task you can set the status to Completed or…

Write to Text File in C#

First, create a new console app: Next, add: using System.IO; Now add code: using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(“filename.txt”)) { writer.Write(“1”); writer.WriteLine(“2”); writer.WriteLine(“3”); writer.Write(“4”); } Now go to the directory…

Installing TypeScript on Node

for our TypeScript project called TS, and create a new file HelloWorld.ts: Run the TypeScript compiler command: tsc HelloWorld.ts This will create a new js file: With JavaScript code:  …