JavaScript Promises

…we will go through an example of how to use promises. We define a promise as below, with 2 parameters, resolve and reject: new Promise (( resolve , reject )…

C# Thread()

…in the foreground or background, the thread pool etc. We will go through an example of creating a thread. Create a new console app in Visual Studio: Note we are…

Linq and Lambda in C#

…Customer customer2 = new Customer(); customer2.FirstName = “James”; customer2.LastName = “Smith”; customer2.PhoneNumber = “111-222-3355”; Customer customer3 = new Customer(); customer3.FirstName = “David”; customer3.LastName = “Smith”; customer3.PhoneNumber = “111-222-3377”; List l…

C# Dictionaries

…= new Dictionary<datatype, datatype>(); For example: Dictionary<int, int> d = new Dictionary<int, int>(); or Dictionary<string, int> d = new Dictionary<string, int>(); To add to the data type, you can do…

Introduction to Entity Framework

…the console app: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Carl.EntityFramework.Sample1 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { WideWorldImportersEntities db = new WideWorldImportersEntities(); var…

Dynamics CRM Generic SQL Error

…= new QueryExpression(); userquery.EntityName = “systemuser”; ColumnSet cols = new ColumnSet(); cols.AddColumn(“systemuserid”); userquery.ColumnSet = cols; ConditionExpression ce = new ConditionExpression(); ce.AttributeName = “firstname”; ce.Operator = ConditionOperator.Contains; ce.Values.Add(“Bob”); FilterExpression filter1 =…

DAX Calculated Columns

…calculate it, let’s add a new calculated column. Click on the ellipse on the dataset: And select New column: Add the formula: The new column will appear in the dataset:…

Creating Microsoft Flows for Microsoft Dynamics

new flow from Blank: Select the trigger Dynamics 365 – When a record is created: Select the CRM company and entity name. Select to add a push notification: Enter a…

Dynamics CRM Goals

opened Goals from the Sales area. If we were in the Service area, or another area, it would still open the same goals. Selecting Goals opens the My Active Goals…