Dynamics 365 Actions

…is straight forward. Go to Processes: Select new and create a new Action for our case: The window will open: Note the Process Arguments section. This is the input for

Sales Pipeline in Dynamics 365

The sales pipeline involves qualifying leads until new customers buy products. Companies have different interpretations of what it means to qualify a lead. The key is that however a company…

USD – Create Entity

…it “Run Action”. Run USD. Select an existing account and press Run Action: Now using our Search function we can see the new account has been created: If you want…

Retrieving a Record using Web API by Id or Name in Dynamics 365

For example: https://yourorg.api.crm.dynamics.com/api/data/v9.1/accounts(D494B650-73FF-E611-8104-E0071B669E61) Returns: To get by name (accounts has a name field), we would use filter: https://yourorg.api.crm.dynamics.com/api/data/v9.1/accounts?$filter=name eq ‘the name‘ E.g. https://yourorg.api.crm.dynamics.com/api/data/v9.1/accounts?$filter=name eq ‘7-Eleven and Udaside label’ Returns:  …

Auditing in Dynamics 365 and Power Apps

Dynamics 365 and Power Apps entities come with auditing features. To enable auditing, first go to System Settings and select the Auditing tab, or go to https://admin.powerplatform.microsoft.com/ and Settings->Audit and

Dynamics 365 – Introduction to Customer Service Hub

…then All Apps: Then select Customer Service Hub: Alternatively, from https://home.dynamics.com select Customer Service Hub: This will open the Customer Service Hub: The left menu displays: Dashboards Activities: Email, Task,…