How to Call the Power BI REST API from Postman

…that we will use to authenticate with the Power BI API. The type will be POST and we will be sending the request to We will also send the…

Creating a Bing Custom Search Instance with Keys for Bing API

…key: This will take you to to create a key. Click Add: You will then see the endpoint (e.g. and your keys: Note you can also generate the…

Walkthrough of Creating the Microsoft PowerApps PCF Sample Component

…TS_LinearInputComponent.css: Next, go to the link and select Copy from 3: Paste it into the new TS_LinearInputComponent.css file: Note we already have a reference to this file in the…

Panels and Layout in USD

…out the XAML of a typical panel layout: <Grid xmlns=”” xmlns:x=”” xmlns:mc=”″ xmlns:d=”″ mc:Ignorable=”d” xmlns:local=”clr-namespace:Microsoft.Crm.UnifiedServiceDesk.Dynamics;assembly=Microsoft.Crm.UnifiedServiceDesk.Dynamics” xmlns:USD=”clr-namespace:Microsoft.Crm.UnifiedServiceDesk.Dynamics.PanelLayouts;assembly=Microsoft.Crm.UnifiedServiceDesk.Dynamics”> <Grid Grid.Name=”LayoutRoot”> <Grid.Resources> <local:CRMImageConverter x:Key=”CRMImageLoader” /> </Grid.Resources> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height=”40″ /> <RowDefinition Height=”*” />…

How to Setup MFA in Azure AD

…into and select Azure Active Directory: Select Multi-factor authentication (you don’t need to select a user at this point): This takes us to the Multi-factor Authentication screen. Select a…

Passing Parameters in URL to Filter a Power BI Report

…City = ‘Oklahoma City’, we can do: eq ‘Oklahoma City’ As mentioned, this is useful for embedding scenarios. For more information on operators and data types, check out….

Retrieving a Record using Web API by Id or Name in Dynamics 365

…For example: Returns: To get by name (accounts has a name field), we would use filter:$filter=name eq ‘the name‘ E.g.$filter=name eq ‘7-Eleven and Udaside label’ Returns:  …