Fiddler Install

Fiddler is a web debugging proxy tool written by Eric Lawrence and owned by Telerik. To download it, go to: and select Free Download: Click Download: This will download:…

Introduction to TypeScript

…chosen development environment, we can convert those files into JavaScript. This is done by the TypeScript compiler. It takes TypeScript files, which you save as .ts files, and converts those…

Dynamics 365 Blog

…Operations and Dynamics GP. Hope you learn something, and of course, feel free to connect with me: Twitter – LinkedIn – YouTube – Email –  …

Power BI Blog

…learning and solving problems. Hope you learn something, and of course, feel free to connect with me: Twitter – LinkedIn – YouTube – Email –  …

Installing R Studio for Power BI

In our last post, we installed R for Power BI. Let’s now install RStudio, which is an IDE for R. First, download R Studio from We will install the…

Introduction to Web Services

…RESTful web services use specific URLs. E.g. could represent a list of items. could represent a particular item. REST methods for CRUD are achieved through HTTP verbs: GET…

Fiddler Autoresponder

…like to test some code, or would like to test certain functionality. Let’s see how this works. Let’s say we go to the website: In Fiddler, we can see…

Bing Custom Search Hello World in C#

…var subscriptionKey = “yourkey”; var customConfigId = “yourcustomconfigid”; var searchTerm = args.Length > ? args[0] : “Hello World”; var url = “” + “q=” + searchTerm + “&customconfig=” + customConfigId;…

Upgrading Unified Service Desk

To upgrade Unified Service Desk, go through the following steps. First, download the latest Unified Service Desk from the Microsoft link: Check the files and download: Open the executable…

Download and Install Accessibility Insights for Windows

To download and install Accessibility Insights for Windows, first go to and click Download for Windows: Open the MSI file: Click Next: Click Next: Click Next: Click Install: Click…