PowerApps – Install Model-Driven Sample Apps

To install the model-driven PowerApps samples, you will first need to install a new environment if you have not already done so. Go https://admin.powerapps.com/ and select New Environment. We will…

Using EasyRepro for Automated UI Testing in Dynamics 365 Power Apps

…in the Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Sample project. Change: OnlineUsername, e.g. admin@CRM921352.onmicrosoft.com OnlinePassword, e.g. yourpassword OnlineCrmUrl, e.g. https://org5fd6d5d1.crm.dynamics.com/ Go to Test->Windows->Test Explorer: You should see something like: We will run CreateAccountUCI, which will create…

Unit Testing with Visual Studio

…a vowel. Next, add a new project for our Unit Tests. Select Test from the left and then Unit Test Project: In the Test project, add a reference to the…

Azure ML Titanic Example – Part 1 – ETL

…First, download the sample data. The data is stored at: https://www.kaggle.com/c/titanic/data. There are 2 files – train.csv and test.csv. The train.csv file is used to train your data, and the…

App Side Panes in Model-Driven Apps

…Panes below. Don’t forget to subscribe to get all the latest videos for learning Dynamics 365 and the Power Platform. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONIlF6jBl-I Let’s create a solution and create 2 files, one…

How to Authenticate and Use the Power BI API inside Power Automate

…a flow. Let’s add another action, HTTP: We will provide the following: Method = POST URI = https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/token Headers: Content-Type application/x-wwwform-urlencoded Body: Replace the bold below with your information: grant_type=password…