
Welcome to my JavaScript eBook and JavaScript blog.


  1. Basics
    1. Console.log
    2. Namespaces
    3. Calling Functions
    4. === (Triple Equals)
    5. setTimeout and setInterval
    6. Try/Catch/Finally Exceptions
    7. use strict
    8. localStorage and sessionStorage
    9. new Date and UTC
    10. Comparing Dates
    11. Scroll to Top
    12. Debugging Functions through Console
    13. Called OnLoad
  2. Objects and Classes
    1. Object Literals
    2. Classes
    3. Object defineProperty
  3. Patterns
    1. Function Overloading
  4. Asynchronous
    1. Callbacks
    2. Promises
    3. Async / Await
  5. TypeScript
    1. Introduction to TypeScript
    2. Installing TypeScript for Visual Studio Code
    3. Installing TypeScript on Node
    4. Debugging TypeScript Google Chrome and Node
  6. jQuery
    1. Intro and Hello World
    2. Click and Double-Click Table Row
  7.  Node
    1. Install Node on Windows
    2. Installing Node Web Server using http-server
    3. Node Server Upgrade Windows
  8. Appendix
    1. Resources