Entity Relationships in Dynamics 365

When creating relationships between entities in Dynamics 365, you can decide how the entities are related together and additional rules. We will go through setting this up in Dynamics 365. Let’s say you have a scenario where you have 2 custom entities, “My Orders” and “My Order Lines”. The My Order Lines entity is the child of My Orders. So, one “Order” can have multiple “Lines”, but Lines cannot have … Continue reading Entity Relationships in Dynamics 365

Debug a Plugin – Persist to Entity

There may be instances where you are debugging a plugin in Dynamics 365 and when you run the profiler, it produces the error “An error has occurred. The selected action was not completed for one or more records.” You may be running the profiler under the setting Exception: In order to get around the error, use the Persist to Entity setting. Select the setting and click OK to start profiling. … Continue reading Debug a Plugin – Persist to Entity

Dynamics 365 Auto Numbering

Auto-numbering is a feature in Dynamics 365 for certain entities in the system. These include: Contracts Cases Articles Quotes Orders Invoices Campaigns Categories Knowledge Articles To configure auto-numbering, go to Administration and select Auto-Numbering: Then, select the entity: Note the different suffix lengths available: Also note Articles and Knowledge Articles do not have suffix length options:  

Sales Pipeline in Dynamics 365

The sales pipeline involves qualifying leads until new customers buy products. Companies have different interpretations of what it means to qualify a lead. The key is that however a company qualifies a lead, their salespeople do it in a consistent way, so that the pipeline and forecasting is accurate. In Dynamics 365, the sales pipeline is something like below, but can be customized depending on business requirements: A lead is … Continue reading Sales Pipeline in Dynamics 365

Shortcut to Dynamics 365 Solutions

When building Dynamics 365 solutions, you may want to save an internet shortcut to get to the solutions page quickly. The shortcut is: <yourorg>/tools/Solution/home_solution.aspx?etn=solution For example below, my web page is bookmarked to this page here, so any time I need to see the solutions quickly, I can get to it from the bookmark:  

Dynamics 365 Manage Licensing and Pricing

There are different subscriptions associated with Dynamics 365. Note this pricing changes often. This is more of a guide on how to manage your subscriptions in the Office 365 portal. Pricing can be found on Microsoft’s website at: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/pricing On the website, you will see 2 different tabs for Enterprise Edition and Business Edition. The Enterprise Edition looks like below: The Business edition consists of: In the Enterprise edition, under each … Continue reading Dynamics 365 Manage Licensing and Pricing

Dynamics 365 User License Types

Dynamics 365 has different licensing options. Here we will look at the different types of users. Full Users are described as users that require the full rich business applications functionality, such as Salespeople, Finance employees etc. There are also users that do not require this full functionality. These users perform duties such as: consume data or reports complete light tasks like time or expense entry and HR record updates be … Continue reading Dynamics 365 User License Types

Dynamics 365 Get Current User from C#

In Dynamics 365 when running C# code, you may want to get the current user. We will go through an example if we were to run this from a console app. First, create a new console app in Visual Studio: From NuGet, add: Microsoft.CrmSdk.CoreAssemblies Microsoft.CrmSdk.XrmTooling.CoreAssembly Add using: using Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector; using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk; using Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages; using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query; Add the code. We will first get the user id, then perform a retrieve to … Continue reading Dynamics 365 Get Current User from C#

Dynamics 365 Server Side Sync Setup

Server Side Sync is a way to synchronize email and other supported entities between an email server and Dynamics 365. Here we will go through setting up server side sync. To set up Server Side Sync, go to Settings->Email Configuration:   Select Email Server Profiles: Here you will see email server profiles. Select New to create a new profile. You can enter select: Exchange Server (Hybrid) Exchange Online POP3/SMTP Server … Continue reading Dynamics 365 Server Side Sync Setup

Restrict Access to Dynamics 365 Instances

You may have a scenario where you do not want to give access to a Dynamics 365 instance to certain users. One way to do this is to use security groups in Office 365. To do this, create a security group and add administrators and members. Then, in the Dynamics 365 Administration Center, select to edit your instance: Scroll down to Security Group: Select the security group you want to … Continue reading Restrict Access to Dynamics 365 Instances