Publish Web Service to Azure from Visual Studio

To publish a web service from Visual Studio, do the following. You may need to install the Azure SDK for .NET. You can find the download link on the Microsoft website: Select the web service. Right click and publish:   Select Microsoft Azure App Service and New: Confirm the details and click Create: Press Publish: A webpage will be created with the instructions: And you can access the web service … Continue reading Publish Web Service to Azure from Visual Studio

Publish ASP.NET Site to Azure

To publish an ASP.NET Visual Studio solution to Azure, select the solution in Visual Studio and select Publish:   Enter a name, select resource group, service plan and click Create: Once complete, you will see the deployment address: You can now browse to the Azure website: And the site will appear in Azure portal for management:  

Creating an OData Service for a SQL Server Database

To create an OData service for a SQL Server database, we will create a new Visual Studio ASP.NET web application: Select Empty template and check Web API: This will create: Now, add the OData NuGet packages: Add Entity Framework: Next, add a new item: Select EF Designer from database: Select the database connection, click new connection if required, and click Next. We will connect to an Azure SQL database with … Continue reading Creating an OData Service for a SQL Server Database

Creating an Azure SQL Server Database

To create an Azure SQL Database, go to and select New->Databases->SQL Database: Enter a name and select the source. You can select: Blank database Sample (AdventureWorksLT) Backup We will select Sample (AdventureWorksLT): Select to create a new server: Enter the server name and enter a login name and credentials: Click to select the type of SQL Server. Select the DTUs: Click Apply and Create. Once the server has been … Continue reading Creating an Azure SQL Server Database

Running Dynamics GP on the Microsoft Cloud

Dynamics GP is ready to run on the Microsoft Cloud, Azure. This presents great opportunities for present Dynamics GP customers, and also new customers looking to move some or all of their ERP off-premise. For some time, there has been issues around moving financial data outside the walls of an organization. For many companies, those issues are still relevant. However, over time, more and more companies are making the move. … Continue reading Running Dynamics GP on the Microsoft Cloud